ASSIGNMENT: Oṣun-Oṣogbo Festival Reflection

Film Reflection: DUE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 BY 11:59 PM

FIRST: View the film Sacred Journeys with Bruce Feiler: “Oṣun-Oṣogbo.” You can access it online through the library here:

Note: You must be connected to the UVM network (either through an on-campus connection or logged in via proxy to stream the video).

As you watch the film be sure to take note of how the film connects to our class readings and discussions so far. Consider the following questions:

  • In what way is Oṣun-Oṣogbo festival an example of an African diaspora religion? What specific people, events, or objects make you think that?
  • How do terms of religious mixture (such as syncretism or hybridity) help to make sense of the Oṣun-Oṣogbo festival as depicted in the film? What examples of mixture can you identify (if any)?
  • How does the Oṣun-Oṣogbo Festival fit into Thompson’s discussion of “the altar concept”?Think about how Thompson’s claims about Afro-Atlantic altars—his emphasis on divine focus, elevation, and the overcoming of time/space distinctions through religious ritual—are evident in the Oṣun-Oṣogbo festival. Pay careful attention to the spaces where the festival takes place, the varying levels of participation for different people who attend the festival engage in, and the actions that those participants engage in as part of the festival.

SECOND: Write a short (500 words) reflection on the film that addresses ONE of the above questions. While you are encouraged to be exploratory in your discussion (in other words, you do not need to write a definitive answer, but you can instead explore possible answers to the question), your reflection should include a specific example from the film as well as a direct quote from (at least) one of our class readings. Most importantly, your reflection should demonstrate your own thoughts and opinions about the film and how it connects to what we have been reading about and discussing in class.

You do not need to provide a “works cited” section or a bibliography for your post, but you should indicate the author of the reading(s) cited and the page number on which the quote is located in your reflection.

THIRD: Post your reflection to the class blog by 11:59pm on Friday, September 15!

To post to the blog you need to log in and access the “Dashboard” for our blog. Click on “Posts” and then on “Add New” to create a blog entry. You can then cut and paste your reflection into the box. Be sure to add a title for your reflection, and select the “Reflections” category for your post. Then hit “Publish.” If you have any problems adding your reflection to the blog, email Professor Brennan ASAP!

Note: this short reflection will be revised and expanded next week and a final formal draft submitted as your first writing assignment for the class.