Class of 2017: Check-in Survey

Wow! It’s been two months since you graduated. That might feel like a really long time, or no time at all. It really depends on what you are up to. With that in mind, we have a survey for you to complete so we can check-in and see how you are doing.

As we mentioned in our first post for you, we are here to help you navigate your first year out of college. We are not keeping track of how many jobs you have. Trust us, that would stress us out too.

Everybody has a different plan and we want to find out where you are and what you need so we can support you through this challenging and exciting first year out of UVM.

The more we know, the more helpful we can be.

So we’ve put together a quick five question survey to touch base.

To make it more fun, we’re giving away a free UVM Long Sleeve Shirt to three randomly selected survey respondents!

Fill out the survey and enter to win a UVM shirt!


Kathryn and Ryan

What’s the Deal with My UVM Email? 2017 Edition

You’ve had your UVM email address for 4+ years now and you may be wondering what’s going to happen with it now that you are an alum.

Two things are going to happen very soon:

  1. You’ll get some weird messages about your current email account, but don’t despair, you’ll have it for a few more months at the least.
  2. You’ll have the chance to create a permanent, lifetime UVM email address. And, you get to log-in using your current NetID and password (nothing new to remember!).

First, the weirdness.

If you haven’t already, one of the first things you’ll get is a cryptic-looking email from UVM that reads like this:

This is an automated email sent to all recent graduates like yourself that makes you feel like you are reading this:

It is definitely confusing and looks like someone may have hacked your account, but don’t worry, it’s really just a message to let you know that a change is coming to your NetID and email.

The most important thing you need to know is that if you want to keep a UVM email address forever, you can very soon!

Your email address will keep working for another few months, and soon, you will have the option to receive a lifetime email address that ends with You’ll activate your account using your existing NetID and password — super simple.

Your lifetime alumni email address will be available in just a few weeks and you’ll get a message announcing when you can log-in from the Alumni Association.  We will be sure to remind you as well.

And, just to get you thinking, here are 5 great reasons to use your alumni email account:

  • 50 GB of inbox space (miserly Gmail only gives you 15 GB)
  • No advertising and no data harvesting (we’re looking at you again, Gmail)
  • Allows you to keep a consistent email address as you change jobs, addresses, and internet access providers.
  • You can have it flow right into your mail app on your phone (just like when you were a student).
  • You get to rock your school spirit in email form — forever.

And while we’re at it, if you’ve moved recently, feel free to update your mailing address here, so you don’t miss any of our fun stuff in your home mailbox:

Win a Pair of Red Sox Tickets! + Welcome Kathryn Meader ’15 to Afterword

Remember when we politely asked you to make a gift to UVM and get argyle socks in return?

Well, we kind of went crazy with all sock-related stuff last month and have a free pair of Boston Red Sox tickets to raffle off.

That’s right. A free pair of Red Sox tickets!!

The game is on Saturday, August 5th and it’s Vermonter Day at Fenway. There’s a pre-game reception with other UVM alums and the game starts at 7:10pm.

You may love the Red Sox or hate them (I’m not sure there’s an in-between) — either way, this is a sweet giveaway.

But before you enter our raffle, even more big news!

We have a new co-host on the blog, Class of 2015 alum and Boston native Kathryn Meader.

So as you can see from the picture, she actually has the tickets.

Wait? Another host? Yep.

Kathryn joined our team as Assistant Director of Annual Giving at the Foundation, and as a recent UVM grad, we thought, who better to help host the blog?

If you want to learn more about Kathryn, check out this week’s post for the 2017ers where she tells her “my first year out” story.

We are really ramping up for an exciting time here at Afterword, so stay tuned!

And now, without further ado…go ahead and enter the raffle for Red Sox tickets!

For you, Class of 2017

We know it’s only been a month since you graduated, and you aren’t feeling nostalgic for UVM yet…

…or maybe you are nostalgic because the ‘real world’ is happening now. Some next level Sunday Scaries, if you ask us.

But first, you are probably wondering what this blog is all about.

Well, contrary to popular UVM lore – we’re not asking you for anything . This isn’t a secret trick to ask you for money or barrage your inbox with useless information.

This blog is the afterword to your UVM story. We’re here to keep you connected to UVM, Burlington, and to your classmates. And, we’re here to help you write your next chapter.

We’re recent grads like you. We work at the UVM Foundation and Alumni Association and our job is to help you.

Unlike your parents, we don’t expect you to know everything right now. You’re under a lot of pressure to plan the rest of your life (whether you have a job, a place to live, or neither) and we want to give you a place to feel at home.

We’ve been doing this for the past two years with the Classes of 2015 and 2016, so we are really excited to bring you in, talk to you, and be as helpful as we can.

With that in mind, during Senior Week, we set up shop in Alumni House and asked many of you a few questions about your upcoming year, and recorded your answers with a professional podcasting microphone. Pretty neat.

Post-grad life is often very uncertain, and the reality sets in quickly that you are now really in charge of your life. Luckily, your classmates all feel the same way. And trust us, not everyone has a plan yet for what they are going to do next.

So take a minute and listen below to hear your classmates’ answers recorded live during senior week. Enjoy!


Stay tuned in the coming months for all of this helpful content and more!

We’ll be right here.


Ryan Chartier ’10 and Kathryn Meader ’15


An Update and a Few Reminders!

We have some exciting news!

As you know, each year UVM sends a new graduating class out into the world, and we want to help keep them connected.

So, starting next week, the class of 2017 will be joining you on the blog!

Image result for Welcome meme

What does that mean? More content. There will be some posts directed at just the class of 2017, but don’t worry, we will still be posting all fresh content for you as well.

Stay tuned for more advice from professionals and classmates, events, giveaways and some silly stuff.

Here are a few important reminders:

1. If you haven’t signed up for the G.O.L.D. Socials in your area, there is still time to register if you’re in Burlington, Boston, or San Francisco!

This is an opportunity to get together with your extended UVM family and maybe make a few connections. Bring a friend, bring the party! And if you are coming to the Burlington event, I’ll be there too, so come say hello!

2. We’re kicking off our June fundraising drive to a wider audience, so if you want to get a pair of these snazzy limited edition UVM socks, make your gift soon before we’re all out!

We hope y’all are enjoying your summer so far!