NORA: data mining humanities texts

the nora project – project description
” The goal of the nora project is to produce software for discovering, visualizing, and exploring significant patterns across large collections of full-text humanities resources in existing digital libraries.”
The goal of the nora project is to produce software for discovering, visualizing, and exploring significant patterns across large collections of full-text humanities resources in existing digital libraries.

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ETS ICT assessment test

ETS’s ICT literacy assessment which
ICT – About the ETS Literacy Assessment for Information Technology and Digital Communication
“The ICT Literacy Assessment is a comprehensive test of ICT proficiency specifically designed for the higher education environment. It uses scenario-based assignments to assess all the ICT skills required of today’s higher education students – not just knowledge of technology, but the ability to use critical-thinking skills to solve problems within a technological environment:
Purports to measure problem-solving skills but privileges web(library)+MSOffice skill set, which is OK, but rather limited
mentioned: web searches, database searches, word processing, spreadsheets, graphs, presentations slides
not mentioned: blogs, wikis (how to manage shared communication environments), creating images or video

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ETD Bibliography

DigitalKoans � Blog Archive � Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A Bibliography

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CFP: WWW2006

Fifteenth International World Wide Web
Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland on May 22nd-26th 2006.
The technical program will include refereed paper presentations, special interest tracks, plenary
sessions, panels, and poster sessions. Tutorials and workshops will run before and throughout the conference. A Developers track, devoted to in-depth technical sessions designed specifically for web developers, will run in parallel throughout the conference.
The conference will also be running a programme of high-level, non-technical presentations for professionals in media, government, education and commerce to inform and debate the issues relating to the latest Web technology developments.
WWW2006 seeks original papers describing research in all areas of the web. Topics include but are not limited to:
# E* Applications: E-Communities, E-Learning, E-Commerce, E-Science, E-Government and E-Humanities
# Browsers and User Interfaces
# Data Mining
# Hypermedia and Multimedia
# Performance, Reliability and Scalability
# Pervasive Web and Mobility
# Search
# Security, Privacy, and Ethics
# Semantic Web
# Web Engineering
# XML and Web Services
# Industrial Practice and Experience (Alternate track)
# Developing Regions (Alternate track)
Detailed descriptions of each of these tracks appear at
Submissions should present original reports of substantive new work. Papers should properly place the work within the field, cite related work, and clearly indicate the innovative aspects of the work and its contribution to the field. We will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference.
New for WWW2006: We solicit submissions of “position papers” articulating high-level architectural visions, describing challenging
future directions, or critiquing current design wisdom. Accepted position papers will be presented at the conference and appear in the
proceedings. Both “regular papers” and “position papers” are subject to the same rigorous reviewing process, but the emphasis may differ
— regular papers should present significant reproducible results while position papers may present preliminary work rich in implications for future research.
All papers will be peer-reviewed by reviewers from an International Program Committee. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and will also be accessible to the general public via Authors of all accepted papers will be required to transfer copyright to the IW3C2.
Posters provide a forum for late-breaking research, and facilitate feedback in an informal setting. Posters are peer-reviewed. The poster
area provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present and demonstrate their recent web-related research, and to
obtain feedback from their peers in an informal setting. It gives conference attendees a way to learn about innovative works in progress
in a timely and informal manner. Formatting and submission requirements are available at
A program of tutorials will cover topics of current interest to web design, development, services, operation, use, and evaluation. These
half and full-day sessions will be led by internationally recognized experts and experienced instructors using prepared content.
Workshops provide an opportunity for researchers, designers, leaders, and practitioners to explore current web R&D issues through a more
focused and in-depth manner than is possible in a traditional conference session. Participants typically present position statements and hold in-depth discussions with their peers within the workshop setting. For more information and submission details see
Panels provide an interactive forum that will engage both panelists and the audience in lively discussion of important and often controversial issues. For more information and submission details see
Conference: May 22nd-26th 2006
Submission Deadlines:
Paper (regular): November 4, 2005
Paper (alternate track): November 4, 2005
Poster: February 14, 2006
Panel proposal: November 4, 2005
Tutorial/Workshop proposal: October 1, 2005
Acceptance Notification:
Paper (regular): January 27, 2006
Paper (alternate track): February 10, 2006
Poster: March 21, 2006
Panel proposal: January 27, 2006
Tutorial/Workshop proposal: November 1 2005

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DRH 2005

**Digital Resources for the Humanities** conference (DRH 2005)
4th-7th September 2005
Lancaster University, UK ( )
REGISTRATION for DRH 2005 is now open: see

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CFP: SSAWW (conf. and book)

A publisher has contacted me and would like me to submit a book proposal on my proposed SSAWW panel titled “Popular Nineteenth-Century Women Writers and the Literary Marketplace.” Though I can only accept four papers for the conference, I need about ten papers for the book. I would like to get the book proposal out before the end of this year; therefore, please note the deadline listed below.
The focus of the book will be on the American marketplace and how women writers dealt with their editors (“gentlemen publishers”). In other words, how did the woman writer’s relationship with the publisher influence or change her work? The book is open to poets, short story writers, novelists, playwrights, and women editors. Other topics related to the marketplace are also welcome, and I will “zero in” on specific topics when looking through the proposals. I include my original call for papers below. If you are interested, please send a 200 word proposal and a short cv to me by November 30, 2005. You may send an email to or mail your proposal to me at the address below.
Popular Nineteenth-Century Women Writers and the Literary Marketplace
>>We invite papers on any aspect of popular nineteenth-century women
>>writers and the literary marketplace for a round-table discussion. Of
>>particular interest though, is how the marketplace influenced women
>>writers’ creations (writer/editor relationship, author/audience,
>>author/other writers). Please send 200 word abstracts to Earl Yarington
>>( within an email message by November 30, 2005.
Earl Yarington, Assistant Professor
Neumann College
Room 302 W, Division of Arts and Sciences
One Neumann Drive
Aston, PA 19014-1298

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Book: From Gutenberg to Internet

Announcement from the author, Jeremy Norman
From Gutenberg to the Internet: A Sourcebook on the History of Information Technology
(Amazon link)
ISBN 0-930405-87-0.
– 63 original readings from the history of computing, networking, and telecommunications
– basic discoveries from the 1830s through the 1960s
– trace historic steps from the early nineteenth century development of telegraph systems-the first data networks- through the development of the earliest general-purpose progammable computers and the earliest software, to the foundation in 1969 of ARPANET.
– review early developments and ideas in the history of information technology that eventually led to the convergence of computing, data networking, and telecommunications in the Internet.
– illustrated historical introduction concerning the impact of the Internet on book culture.
– compares and contrasts the transition from manuscript to print initiated by Gutenberg’s invention of printing by moveable type in the 15th century with the transition that began in the mid-19th century from a print-centric world to the present world in which printing co-exists with various electronic media that converged to form the Internet.
– a comprehensive and wide-ranging annotated timeline covering selected developments in the
history of information technology from the year 100 up to 2004
– introductory notes to each reading.

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Preservation Metadata

Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata and related materials

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TEI/XMP Publishing: Hydra

Classics@ volume 2
Hydra is an experimental drag-and-drop electronic publishing environment for TEI-conformant XML texts.

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TEI/XML Schema Documentation/List

Linked list of elements and their place in the schema:
XML Schema Documentation

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