Category Archives: Uncategorized

This is a test document

This is a test document created with Writely. Writely is an online word processor that allows you to create documents using standard word processing features (including a spell checker). But that’s just the beginning. It also lets you import documents … Continue reading

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Electronic Portfolios in Educational Technology Encyclopedia “There are three general purposes for developing portfolios: Learning (Formative) Portfolios, which usually occurs on an ongoing basis supporting professional development; Assessment (Summative) Portfolios, which usually occurs within the context of a formal evaluation … Continue reading

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Ray Siemens, UVic humanities Computing

“Siemens, who brims with enthusiasm for the boundless possibilities that can be achieved by coupling the study of humanities with state-of-the-art technology.” An English prof blends humanities with state-of-the-art technology

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Google Notebook What does it do? Allows you to cut/paste or one-click post information from any web site or the site’s Google entry, along with notes that you write yourself. My first reaction was: “Cute, but isn’t this just another way … Continue reading

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Educause Online

Check Educause Online occasionally especially for their “& Things You Should Know” series:

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Microsoft Office Open XML (odf)

Will it be join ’em or beat ’em? Will it be OASIS ODF or MSOffice O(X)DF? Microsoft has laid out its strategy (the white paper is at but appears to be loosening things up with its recent “covenant not … Continue reading

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CDRH Nebraska

The Center for Digital Research in the Humanities Ken Price’s gang at Nebraska. “The Center advances interdisciplinary research in the humanities by creating unique digital content, developing tools to assist scholars in text analysis and visualization, and encouraging the use … Continue reading

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Costume Society and links

Links The Costume Society, of the V&A, has their journal’s TOC online as well as this useful page of links to costume museums and collection.

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Learner-centric, ePortfolios, Web 2.0

Despite the turn that eportfolios are taking away from personal learning tools and towards “a collection of things to augment your resume,” the concept of creating and controlling your own learning is alive and well. Stephen Downes has laid out … Continue reading

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