Category Archives: Uncategorized

TEI@20: Day 3

Day 3 began with a wonderful talk by Melissa Terras (UC London) on the need for better TEI education. She also introduced the TEI by Example project, which is working on, to quote the website, the creation and on-line delivery … Continue reading

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TEI@20: Day 2

Day 2 began, after introductions and welcomes, with the opening plenary session by B. Tommie Usdin (Mulberry Technologies) and chair of Balisage (aka the annual Extreme Markup conference). After praising the work of the TEI, Tommie had some pointed and, … Continue reading

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TEI Meeting: Day 1

TEI Meeting: Day 1 Recap This week I’m attending the Text Encoding Initiative‘s annual meeting (TEI@20). The TEI is, at heart, a scholarly effort to develop a tag-set for encoding, or marking up, documents in the humanities. Documents in this … Continue reading

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The Dragon Ate My Cameraman

“Wanted: film production assistant with sufficient power to ward off attacking monsters. Must be able to resist shooting fireballs at your mortal enemy while we are on location.” An amusing Washington Post article discusses the challenges of creating a movie … Continue reading

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Word 2007 and Blogging

Word 2007 has arrived and upon installing it I see it has an option to post to your blog. Like Google Docs, the online word processor, finding the correct publishing settings is one challenge, solved like this: In the Office … Continue reading

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Word 2007 Blog posting: Adding Images

Of course, if you want to include images in your posting that’s another challenge. You can insert an image into your Word document the usual way (Click the Insert tab: click Picture: find the image: click Insert). Unfortunately, there is … Continue reading

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NELINET: Tech Sandbox: dSpace

NELINET offers dSpace in Sandbox SOUTHBOROUGH, MA, December 7, 2006 – This week, NELINET announced the launch of its Technology Sandbox service, a new online lab where members can learn about and experience using emerging information technology systems, applications, … Continue reading

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REVIEW: Writely, an online collaborative editor Writely is an online collaborative web editor, with some surprisingly nice additional features. Recently acquired by Google, Writely fills the need for a simple way to create documents, share them with other editors, and track revisions. Along the way … Continue reading

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WORKSHOP DETAILS:Open Archives Initiatives: An

WORKSHOP DETAILS:Open Archives Initiatives: An Overview – Online Course Thursday, September 28, 200610:00 am – 12:00 pm The OAI (Open Archives Initiative) standard is one method of increasingaccess to digital collections by making it possible to search manydigital repositories with … Continue reading

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Let’s create a complex

Let’s create a complex document in Word for testing in Writely, to see how well it translates to .doc, pdf or html. This change has been added on a subsequent day. Here’s are several font changes and color changes. Here … Continue reading

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