Category Archives: Digital Humanities

Article: Kelso, feminism technology SF

Shaky (early 90s feminism) but some interesting ideas The Silver Metal Imagination: Blueprints for Changing Technology in Women’s SF by Sylvia Kelso

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CTL talk: adopting/supporting new technologies,

Three separate strands of conversations have intersected in interesting ways this week: the post “learn…teach…learn…repeat” and Chris R’s response to the Classroom Support thread, along with a discussion happening on a CIT list. The first has to do with use … Continue reading

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TEI Projects: Dolley Madison, MEP

From David Sewell: The University of Virginia Press has released our first online TEI-based publication, THE DOLLEY MADISON DIGITAL EDITION, in the first of two installments comprising all of Dolley Madison’s extant correspondence through June 1836. You’re invited to take … Continue reading

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MDID Digital Image Database

MDID 2 NOW AVAILABLE! We are very pleased to announce that the initial release of the new version of the Madison Digital Image Database (MDID 2) software is now available to the general public. Developed at James Madison University, the … Continue reading

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the eternal question: scholarly value of encoding

Greenberg Response to Stuart Lee Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 12, No. 178. Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College London Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 10:24:57 +0000 Subject: Re: 12.0177 response to The Tagging Challenge Stuart Lee wrote: > … Continue reading

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