Category Archives: Digital Humanities

photomuse (eastman photography museum) – ICP GEH George Eastman House and International Center of Photography Alliance, NYC, are creating an online photo musuem to provide thousands of images.

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Article: GIS use examples

APPA Several examples of GIS use at universities for planning, amnagement and communication

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conference: social software

Missed the Social Software in the Academy conference. SSAW Program Some good topics:

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AIIM, ECMS content management

ECMS may be directed to business solutions, but this site has many of the same issues/technologies that digital libraries and collections have: AIIM, The ECM Association

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NORA: data mining humanities texts

the nora project – project description ” The goal of the nora project is to produce software for discovering, visualizing, and exploring significant patterns across large collections of full-text humanities resources in existing digital libraries.” The goal of the nora … Continue reading

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ETS ICT assessment test

ETS’s ICT literacy assessment which ICT – About the ETS Literacy Assessment for Information Technology and Digital Communication “The ICT Literacy Assessment is a comprehensive test of ICT proficiency specifically designed for the higher education environment. It uses scenario-based assignments … Continue reading

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ETD Bibliography

DigitalKoans � Blog Archive � Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A Bibliography

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CFP: WWW2006

WWW2006 CALL FOR PAPERS Fifteenth International World Wide Web Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland on May 22nd-26th 2006. The technical program will include refereed paper presentations, special interest tracks, plenary sessions, panels, and poster sessions. Tutorials and workshops will run … Continue reading

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DRH 2005

**Digital Resources for the Humanities** conference (DRH 2005) 4th-7th September 2005 Lancaster University, UK ( ) REGISTRATION for DRH 2005 is now open: see

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CFP: SSAWW (conf. and book)

A publisher has contacted me and would like me to submit a book proposal on my proposed SSAWW panel titled “Popular Nineteenth-Century Women Writers and the Literary Marketplace.” Though I can only accept four papers for the conference, I need … Continue reading

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