Book: From Gutenberg to Internet

Announcement from the author, Jeremy Norman
From Gutenberg to the Internet: A Sourcebook on the History of Information Technology
(Amazon link)
ISBN 0-930405-87-0.
– 63 original readings from the history of computing, networking, and telecommunications
– basic discoveries from the 1830s through the 1960s
– trace historic steps from the early nineteenth century development of telegraph systems-the first data networks- through the development of the earliest general-purpose progammable computers and the earliest software, to the foundation in 1969 of ARPANET.
– review early developments and ideas in the history of information technology that eventually led to the convergence of computing, data networking, and telecommunications in the Internet.
– illustrated historical introduction concerning the impact of the Internet on book culture.
– compares and contrasts the transition from manuscript to print initiated by Gutenberg’s invention of printing by moveable type in the 15th century with the transition that began in the mid-19th century from a print-centric world to the present world in which printing co-exists with various electronic media that converged to form the Internet.
– a comprehensive and wide-ranging annotated timeline covering selected developments in the
history of information technology from the year 100 up to 2004
– introductory notes to each reading.

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