Blogging the Classroom – A Tea Party

Tea CupYesterday we held another of our Colleague Tea events, this one entitled “Blogs at UVM“. It was a cozy group, with only about five or six people attending, but it was a lively and enlightening discussion. I think everyone left with some ideas about how they could use this tool in their courses. Here are a few of the resources we looked at, along with some of the places and ideas we discussed.

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What banners?

About those banner images at the top of the site here… The idea started when we were designing the whole thing with the first banner, the cows. The image was great, but we needed a way to display “CTL” or “Center for Teaching & Learning”. Then it hit us… give her an ear tag like many other cows have!
So, the idea took off…. Some of us spent the whole first weekend of this site’s existence making banner images for the site, finding fun photos and playing with them. Which leads me to the idea of finding fun photos. MOST of the photos up there were taken by a member or friend of the CTL staff (some of which are even available on Flickr), and some were found through a simple Google Image search. If a photo is stamped with a copyright tag, we (I) won’t use it, but if it isn’t and it’s on the web, then we (I) feel it’s fair game.
If you don’t like a banner, tough. However, if you really don’t like one being up there, let us know (and let us know WHY) and we’ll probably remove it. Or, we’ll pass the email around and have a good laugh– depends on the day.

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Welcome to the CTL blog

Well, we (the Center for Teaching & Learning staff) decided it was finally time to set up our own blog. We’d like this to be a place for all of us, and our colleagues and friends, to exchange ideas, discoveries, and even ruminative meanderings
As you might gather from the nature of the posts, and even the banner images, we like to have fun. That’s part of what this space is about (even if we’re up burning the midnight oil crafting a new post or putting together funky banner images).
If you arrived here by accident, you might check out the official CTL site.
Obligatory Disclaimer: Please note that the views expressed on this blog are strictly those of the respective authors, and are not reviewed or approved by the University of Vermont, the CTL, or any other organization.

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Syndicated tutorials for the sciences

By way of The Distant Librarian, I just stumbled onto the LibraryCasting SE blog. Apparently put together by the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries, Librarycasting SE is a collection of “Screencasts, podcasts, tutorials and titles for the sciences and engineering“. There is also alink to a more general collection of tutorials, as well as a suggest a tutorial form.

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Creating surveys and polls with a blog

The folks over at Eat drink Sleep Movable Type actually titled the post “Easy Surveys and Polls with a Movable Type Weblog“. Easy or not, it sounds like a handy alternative to existing tools. Found on Jay Allen’s Blog.

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