Category Archives: Technology

“Sentences are smarter than the grunts of bullet points.”  —Edward Tufte

We were talking today, again, about that recurrent concern over the reliance on PowerPoint for presenting complex concepts or sharing knowledge. I recently read Edward Tufte’s Beautiful Evidence and the second edition of his powerful PowerPoint essay is quoted in … Continue reading

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Professor Asked to Stop Selling His Lectures

Robert L. Schrag, a professor of communication at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, had been offering his students an MP3 copy of his lectures; the lectures were sold via an online company, Independent Music Online, for $2.50, with … Continue reading

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A Web-Friendly PowerPoint Alternative

While spending two days in New York attending An Event Apart, I saw some cool stuff about standards-compliant web design & development, CSS best-practices, and unobtrusive JavaScript. Most of that doesn’t mean much to most of the people who might … Continue reading

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BSAD/SoE TabletPC Grant

External Research & Programs: Tablet PC Technology, Curriculum, and Higher Education 2005 RFP Awards BSAD and SoE have received funds from MiscroSoft to explore enhancing student use of TabletPCs in their respective departments. According to the blurb they also intend … Continue reading

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iChat Video Interview?

So I know this guy who graduated from UVM a couple years ago and has since moved to San Francisco to work in a bio-medical research lab. More specifically, he studies the effects of rubbing chili paste on peoples arms… … Continue reading

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The ideal classroom

The recently published results of the NetDay Speak Up survey revealed an interesting model of what students consider the ideal school. When asked to “describe a new school for students just like you–what would be the No. 1 technology you … Continue reading

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Talkin’ about Podcasting

In one of the last colleague teas of the spring series, we talked podcasting. This included some production tools, ideas for teaching with the medium, concerns about how not to use this kind of technology, and of course examples.

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Creating teaching aids with Squidoo

An intriguing example/experiment with the Squidoo web service as a teaching tool. The “lens” is in this case a sort of shareable, comment enabled organized bookmark list. It kind of reminds me of a more interactive the bibliographic section of … Continue reading

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Blogging the Classroom – A Tea Party

Yesterday we held another of our Colleague Tea events, this one entitled “Blogs at UVM“. It was a cozy group, with only about five or six people attending, but it was a lively and enlightening discussion. I think everyone left … Continue reading

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