Category Archives: Technology

New research reveals a not-so-Web-savvy “Internet Generation”

Here’s an interesting article showcasing recent research on the so-called “Net Generation.” The German Website, Speigel Online International, cites research that debunks a number of popular assumptions about this generation’s adroitness with Web technologies and their supposed desire to do … Continue reading

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Anthologize sets DH community abuzz

We’ve come to expect innovative ideas from CHNM and this week has been no exception. Funded by a grant from the NEH, the One Week/One Tool project’s intent was to bring together twelve practitioners in the digital humanities to decide … Continue reading

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Another Perspective on Intellectual Property

Perspectives on intellectual property in higher ed vary widely and the one expressed by this speaker (15 min. video) favors the open education movement and places the idea of information as personal property to be protected in an historical context … Continue reading

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The Computer Ate My Homework.

Viruses. Malware. Network interruptions. Program bugs. Version incompatibilities. Now, add to this list of things that can go wrong add a vendor who sells “corrupt files” that can be submitted in lieu of homework, hopefully buying a day or two … Continue reading

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Debate: “Social Networking: does it bring positive change to education?”

The Economist (Economist.Com) is sponsoring a series of debates on the future of education. Each debate topic considers the educational impacts of technology, globalization, and changing nature of social relationships. The third (and final) debate, which runs from from January … Continue reading

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UVM Member of Educause’s Learning Initiative

The University of Vermont is now a member of Educause’s Learning Initiative (ElI). ELI explores the interaction among learners, learning principles and practices, and learning technologies. Membership benefits include reduced rates on ELI events and access to all resources on … Continue reading

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Merging K-12 and Higher Education Conferences

Why don’t we see more crossover between higher education and K-12 professional and academic conferences? My feed reader brought me news last week of the upcoming Open Minds Conference: Open Source in K-12 Education: The Open Minds Conference is the … Continue reading

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Building an academic, and social, web browser

Paul Stamatiou points us to the imminent release of Firefox Campus Edition – a “back to school” version of the web browser that comes with a few add-ons geared for students. While only one of the add-ons, Zotero (which we’ve … Continue reading

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Endnotes Workshop

Click Here to take Endnotes Workshop survey Endnotes Web Site, this is a great starting point for all resources and support related to Endnotes. UVM libraries Web Site about Endnote Download the file to search UVM libraries in ENDNOTE here! … Continue reading

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Got Slides?

There are several ways to make Powerpoint slides available online. Some methods are better than others, but how you do it often depends on your audience. Will they be printing the presentation? Where are they likely to be viewing it … Continue reading

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