Author Archives: Justin Henry

Is e-mail obsolete ?

A new Netday “Speak Up” survey by Dell and Bell South suggests that while teachers are increasingly using email to communicate to students, students are increasingly abandoning email for instant messaging (including cell phone SMS). “Students have told us that … Continue reading

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Talkin’ about Podcasting

In one of the last colleague teas of the spring series, we talked podcasting. This included some production tools, ideas for teaching with the medium, concerns about how not to use this kind of technology, and of course examples.

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Academic honesty & copyright policy as a WebCT quiz

Our recently released guidelines for online course development includes the requirement for a policy “quiz”: This should be a link to a quiz, located on the left navigation sidebar. The quiz contains two questions, including a link the UVM Academic … Continue reading

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Guidelines for Online Course Development

We’ve recently published the guidelines we use when developing online courses. While this document is geared toward those using WebCT to develop fully online courses, it should also be of interest to anyone planning an online addition to their traditional … Continue reading

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An interactive color theory game

John sent me this great interactive game for learning colors. COLOR box : a color theory game looks kind of like tetris, but instead of focusing on shapes, the object of the game is to use the additive color system … Continue reading

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Creating teaching aids with Squidoo

An intriguing example/experiment with the Squidoo web service as a teaching tool. The “lens” is in this case a sort of shareable, comment enabled organized bookmark list. It kind of reminds me of a more interactive the bibliographic section of … Continue reading

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Colleague Tea: Web Tools for Teaching

Last Friday’s Colleague Tea brought together 7 people to discuss some of the web tools currently available at UVM that can be used in teaching. We had a nice mix of participants, with some having used one tool, others having … Continue reading

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Blogging the Classroom – A Tea Party

Yesterday we held another of our Colleague Tea events, this one entitled “Blogs at UVM“. It was a cozy group, with only about five or six people attending, but it was a lively and enlightening discussion. I think everyone left … Continue reading

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What banners?

About those banner images at the top of the site here… The idea started when we were designing the whole thing with the first banner, the cows. The image was great, but we needed a way to display “CTL” or … Continue reading

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Welcome to the CTL blog

Well, we (the Center for Teaching & Learning staff) decided it was finally time to set up our own blog. We’d like this to be a place for all of us, and our colleagues and friends, to exchange ideas, discoveries, … Continue reading

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