Shared WebSite, continued.

Assessment Issues from the shared space.

Human Issues:

What I’m seeing is more variety now among the six, relative to being able to use the site beyond simple things:

Simple – being able to click and drag, placing the cursor efficiently and successfully, loading the right browser, smoothly getting the url entered, signing in, moving around the site.

Moderate Complexity – editing print on a page, adding a link/making a page that’s yours, adding information to a page, cooperative.

Complex – editing someone else’s writing, adding links to external sites, adding links to sites within the wikispace, adding images, collaborative.

Infrastructure Issues:

1. VPN kicks off way too fast. There were probably twenty instances over two and a half hours that the VPN protocol turned off. This is very disruptuve to the momentum of almost any kind of directed instructional experience. You have to stop, wait, or face the choice of leaving someone behind as you go forward.

2. Add to this that some individuals are at the simple level of complexity meanss the momentum slows down even more as they get their sites up and running once again.

3. Batteries begin to die after 2.5 hours.

Helpful knowledge/skills to have.

1. clicking and dragging

2. create multiple tabs so you can click back and forth from a website to the wikispace – especially helpful when you are finding urls to create external links

Observations of how good things have become.

1. most get on the site automatically

2. the computers work fine with the exception of the vpn kicking off.

3. people are finding their way around the site exceptionally well.

4. people use each other quite effectively.

5. people cooperate quite well with each other – the talk that is “in the air” creates conditions of informal support across and around the table

Possible To Dos?

1. have a sheet of paper on the table so every person can reach it. Ask them to place a √mark in a column for every time vpn times out.

2. structure an exercise in which people have to edit each other’s work.

3. ask them what we want / need to keep track of

Published by

Charles Rathbone

Retired. Emeritus. UDL consultant, FIrst UU Racial Justice Committee, photographer, married, four children, five grandchildren. Embracing life, all of it. "Today is tomorrow's past."

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