The Importance of Mentorship

What is a mentor, and why is it important? A mentor is someone who is can share their career experiences and insights with you. Mentors are usually people who are farther along in their career paths, and can help guide you in workplace dynamics, industry nuances, or your job/graduate school search. Mentorship is often an …

Savvy Seniors: Market Yourself

3 Important Pointers for Success from Vermont Start-Up Localvore Today We at Localvore Today use the internet and e-commerce to highlight the goods and services of local businesses. We are digital marketers using technology and visual imagery. In everything we do, the skill set we value most is the ability to convey the stories of …

Using the 4 Year Plan for Career Success: A Student Perspective

Coming into college my first year, I didn’t know what to expect. It was my first time on my own: holding myself accountable and trying to survive all of the exams. You may not have known what was expected of you either! How do you pick your major? What resources are available to research jobs …

How to Talk to Strangers

Did your guardians tell you not to talk to strangers?  Now that you’re in college the buzzword is networking- talk to strangers, make new friends, and connect. Talking to strangers can make your hands sweat, voice crack, and heart race. How do I network and find out about opportunities that can inform and support my …

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