French philosopher and psychoanalyst Félix Guattari, in his The Three Ecologies, was the first to articulate the threefold nature of ecology, but he failed to provide a clear articulation of why there should be three and only three ecologies — not two, not one, not four or more. What is the ontological justification for this […]
Posts Tagged ‘social ecology’
Why three ecologies?
Posted in Eco-theory, Media ecology, Process-relational thought, tagged A. N. Whitehead, Alfred North Whitehead, Bruno Latour, ecomedia, epistemology, Felix Guattari, infrastructural media, John Durham Peters, materiality, media ecologies, media ecology, new materialism, objectivity, Ontology, prehension, process-relational thought, social ecology, subjectivity, three ecologies on January 15, 2021 | 5 Comments »
Rojava at risk
Posted in Politics, tagged anti-war, Bookchin, foreign policy, Kurdistan, Kurds, Rojava, social ecology, Syria, war on December 19, 2018 | 2 Comments »
I’ve posted here before about the Kurdish experiment in social-ecological-feminist radical democracy that’s been unfolding in the unlikeliest circumstances in the northern Syrian region of Rojava. Donald Trump’s sudden announcement of a complete U.S. military withdrawal from Syria now leaves that experiment extremely vulnerable… which puts anti-war* activists into an uncomfortable position. (I add that […]
Time for eco-revolution (a manifesto)
Posted in Anthropocene, Manifestos & auguries, Politics, tagged Bruno Latour, degrowth, Drawdown, eco-socialism, ecological revolution, global revolution, manifestos, Paul Hawken, permaculture, political ecology, revolutions, social ecology, transition on October 28, 2018 | 9 Comments »
Inspired by the daily litany of depressing news (and by reading Latour’s Down to Earth), I’ve succumbed to the temptation of writing a manifesto. Manifestos are cheap, I know, but we have to start somewhere. (And so many questions arise as you write one: about the proper balance between critique and vision, between generality and […]
Bioregionalism primer
Posted in Eco-culture, Eco-theory, tagged bioregionalism, deep ecology, eco-primitivism, ecoregionalism, Fifth Estate, local foods movement, locavorism, Murray Bookchin, Peter Berg, Rojava, social ecology, watershed on June 23, 2017 | 6 Comments »
When I began my involvement with environmental politics in the 1980s, the main currents of radical or critical thought were represented by deep ecologists (or biocentrists), social ecologists (gathered around Murray Bookchin and his Institute for Social Ecology), and ecofeminists, and they seemed more at odds with each other than united. Marxists and socialists (especially around […]
The Rojava Experiment
Posted in Politics, tagged Bookchin, Kurdish revolutionary movement, libertarian municipalism, Murray Bookchin, Ocalan, PKK, Rojava, social ecology, Syria on November 29, 2015 | 3 Comments »
Wes Enzinna’s New York Times Magazine article on “The Rojava Experiment” finally gives mainstream recognition to what has been happening among the Kurds of northern Syria. As he writes, “In accordance with a philosophy laid out by a leftist revolutionary named Abdullah Ocalan, Rojavan women had been championed as leaders, defense of the environment enshrined […]
Nagarjuna & ecophilosophy, pt. 2
Posted in Eco-theory, Philosophy, Spirit matter, tagged Buddhism, Deleuze, Derrida, John Clark, Madhyamaka, Nagarjuna, psychoanalysis, social ecology on November 14, 2009 | 8 Comments »
Continuing from the previous post… “For Buddhism,” Clark writes, “the negative path of the destruction of illusion is inseparably linked to the positive path of an open, awakened, and compassionate response to a living, non-objectifiable reality, the ‘nature that is no nature.’’’
Nagarjuna, ecophilosophy, & the practice of liberation
Posted in Eco-theory, Philosophy, Spirit matter, tagged Buddhism, ecopsychology, John Clark, Madhyamaka, Nagarjuna, psychoanalysis, social ecology on November 14, 2009 | 8 Comments »
John Clark’s recent article in Capitalism Nature Socialism, “On being none with nature: Nagarjuna and the ecology of emptiness,” has gotten my neurons firing in a productive way. Clark is a political philosopher whose book The Anarchist Moment had long ago excited me about the prospect of melding together a Daoist-flavored, but Murray Bookchin-inspired eco-anarchism […]
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