Here are my thoughts on the US election, and on the challenges it presents us, in four parts. 1. The informational catastrophe, and the sadness of it For all the reasons to be dismayed about these elections, there’s one that saddens me most. It’s that all the people (me among them) who’ve given their professional […]
Posts Tagged ‘media ecosystems’
No common (sense) world
Posted in Manifestos & auguries, Politics, Spirit matter, tagged A. N. Whitehead, common sense, common world, conspiracy culture, cultural civil war, digital media, faith, Isabelle Stengers, media ecosystems, neoliberalism, social consensus, the long revolution, Trump, Trumpism on November 12, 2024 | Leave a Comment »
In defense of ecological metaphor
Posted in Eco-culture, Eco-theory, Philosophy, Science & society, tagged ecology, ecosystem metaphor, ecosystem science, ecosystemics, media ecology, media ecosystems, philosophy of ecology, science and technology studies, systems theory, theory of ecology on February 19, 2021 | Leave a Comment »
In my writing about media, I’ve been using the words “ecology” and “ecosystem” fairly liberally. In a new piece called “The Limitations of the ‘New Ecosystem’ Metaphor,” The Columbia Journalism Review’s Lauren Harris argues that this metaphor is misguided. She interviews media scholar Anthony Nadler, who has claims that the metaphor “naturaliz[es] current trends in the diffusion and development of news practices.” Its use “suggests ‘spontaneous, self-ordering principles’ in the news market obscuring all the social, political, and economic decisions that undergird the status quo.”
I want to respond to that argument here by presenting the case that “ecology” is not a metaphor imported from biology, but that it’s more like the other way around: “media ecology” is a description of the world of media as much as it is a description of the world of biology. Both media and biology are constituted by the actions and processes of their constituents. In this sense, it is not a metaphor but a way of seeing, and it’s more important to ensure we understand what it is we are looking at.
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