
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

realism, or bust

Michael at Archive Fire just shared a good quote from Latour on Whitehead, “king of the realists.” Funny thing — I just finished up some comments introducing Whitehead to my ecocinema students… The upshot of those comments is that, according to Whitehead’s attempt to rewire the metaphysics of the western world, there are no things, […]

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Comments policy

Due to high spam volume, comments to this blog are now moderated. Comments with a substantive connection to blog posts are welcome. Such comments may not appear immediately, but they will appear once approved. Comments intended to direct readers to commercial sites, or to increase the number of links to such sites, will not be […]

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A friend of mine inadvertently reminded me of one of my favorite passages from Mikhail Bakhtin, written, apparently, in his last notebook entry before his death (and published subsequently in Toward a Methodology for the Human Sciences): “There is neither a first nor a last word and there are no limits to the dialogic context […]

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Here’s a quick reply to Levi Bryant’s reply to my post from this morning on objects and relations:

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blog action day

The more blog action, the less the climate will change? Or something like that… I’ve been putting some of these in the Shadow Blog.

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I’m very sad to hear that a friend and colleague, geographer and Africanist Glen Elder, has passed away following a heart attack. Glen was a warmhearted, passionate scholar, former chair of Geography and current Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of Vermont. He had just given a captivating performance as master of […]

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ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, which has been the leading forum for what’s come to be known as “ecocriticism” over the past 15 years or so, has finally caught up with the times and gone digital, thanks to the deal it arranged with its new publisher, Oxford. To celebrate the transition, all issues […]

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book list

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Rigpa is the state of compassionate awareness that, according to Mahayana Buddhism, is the innermost nature of the mind. It is the primordial, nondual mind that shines through when unobscured; intelligent, cognizant, awake. “Empty in essence, cognizant in nature, unconfined in capacity.” Recognizing and dwelling within rigpa is the goal of Dzogchen practice (a kind […]

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