May Day (Beltane, Walpurga’s Day, et al.) is a good time for reflecting on politics, ecology, and possibility. The following can be considered part of a series on this blog. When neoliberalism is understood as the alliance between economic liberalization and social liberalization — that is, between those who would “liberate” capitalist markets (who sometimes get called fiscal […]
Archive for the ‘Manifestos & auguries’ Category
May Day thoughts: on labor & livelihood
Posted in Manifestos & auguries, Politics, tagged Beltane, green movement, green politics, labor, labour, left, May Day, neoliberalism, revolution, revolutions, right livelihood, Walpurgis Day, Walpurgisnacht on May 1, 2017 | 4 Comments »
In search of silver linings
Posted in Manifestos & auguries, Politics, tagged 2016 elections, alt-right, ClimateJustice, Donald Trump, Dugin, future of the university, Garrison Keillor, global environmental catastrophe, liberalism, meme magic, memetic warfare, Naomi Klein, neoliberalism, post-cinema, progressivism, Republicans, Tom Frank, Trump on November 10, 2016 | 8 Comments »
So, Donald Trump will be president of the United States and both Congress and Senate will be dominated by Republicans. Environmentalists and social justice activists, almost universally, find this idea horrifying. But there are silver linings to be found amidst the wreckage. Let’s explore a few of them.
Global disorder, the left, & a new democracy
Posted in Cultural politics, Manifestos & auguries, Politics, tagged cultural left, global disorder, hegemony, leftism, political left on November 1, 2015 | 1 Comment »
The following is something I wrote a while back that I have not had a chance to do anything with. I’m sharing it here simply because it will otherwise languish. It is a reflection on the political left and its failings in a changing global situation, a situation marked by inequality on a global scale, by increasing, […]
4 Noble Truths of Socio-Ecological Suffering
Posted in Anthropocene, Eco-culture, Manifestos & auguries, tagged Anthropocene, buen vivir, carbon capitalism, ClimateJustice, ecological sacrifice zones, environmental justice, Sydney Tar Ponds on May 1, 2015 | 8 Comments »
Some 2500 years ago, a man named Siddhartha Gotama articulated what have come to be known as the “4 Noble Truths”: the truth of dukkha, or fundamental suffering (that there is a basic unsatisfactoriness to life), the truth of its causes (that it arises from an ignorance and misperception of the nature of things, which are […]
Sustainability bottleneck (or, No one here gets out alive?)
Posted in Anthropocene, Manifestos & auguries, tagged Anthropocene, astrobiology, Buddhism, cosmology, sustainability, sustainability bottleneck on January 22, 2015 | 10 Comments »
Astrophysicist and NPR blogger Adam Frank writes about the “sustainability bottleneck” as the state faced by technological civilizations like ours, which have learned how to “intensively harvest” energy, but not how to sustain themselves through the crisis this harvesting sets off. It turns out there may be millions of planets that give rise to life in our galaxy alone. Frank […]