There are some great pictures to be found here, at The Big Picture: abandoned subdivisions and building sites, landscapes of unused freight containers (#34) and disused newspaper racks (#30), and “Free Weekly Tours of Quality Foreclosed Homes, Prices Won’t Last!!!” (#9, from Las Vegas). There’s something Ed Burtynskyesque about them…
On the topic of Ed Burtynsky: While the image quality is fairly poor when you blow it up to full-screen, Burtynsky’s TED Prize talk has him bearing his environmentalist heart on his sleeve (including his connection to the enviro-optimists at Expect more on his photography and the work of other recent landscape-themed artists coming soon here…
I am a professional wedding photographer from Cheshire, UK and so know a bit about photography and these pictures are superb!
There’s more in the picture than meets the eye. That’s real life scenes captured behind the lenses. I am also thinking of a bigger picture. The first few pictures portray crisis but in the end, there’s a flower that blooms. I remember the saying “There’s a light at the end of the tunnel.”