What’s the deal with my UVM email?

On Wednesday, you probably received a cryptic email saying “your formal affiliation with UVM” is over…

2015-07-15 15_07_46-Write_ Re_ Warning Notice_ UVM Network ID removal process

If you read it, you probably felt a little confused (and maybe a little angry). Yeah, it was a weird email, but here’s the real scoop on your UVM email address.

  • Your formal affiliation with UVM isn’t over. We’ll always love you.

Snape Always

  • If you want to keep your UVM email forever, you can. Next year, you’ll get information about a lifetime alumni email address (just like your lifetime AIM account, right?).


  • If you don’t want to keep your email address, just forward it to your Gmail account.

2015-07-15 14_44_51-UVM Email Filtering

  • Or, if you want to ignore everything above, email us at afterword@uvm.edu, give us the email you actually use, and we’ll update it for you.

Who to Follow @ UVM

How’s your to-do list looking this week?
simpsons to do list gif
Here’s an easy thing you can accomplish in about 14 seconds and head into the holiday weekend feeling like a boss.

You probably already follow UVM on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but the best way to keep up with the alumni news and info is to follow the Alumni Association.

Twitter: @uvm_alumni

UVM Alumni (@UVM_Alumni) _ Twitter

Facebook: UVM Alumni Association

Facebook UVM Alumni Association

Instagram: @universityofvermont

uvm alumni instagram

Farewell to the Shoeboxes

On Monday, June 15, demolition began on the iconic (and infamous) Chittenden, Buckham and Wills dorms to make way for a new residence hall and an expansion to the UVM Medical Center.

I bet you’re imagining something dramatic and explosive like this:

explosive demo

In reality, it went more like this:

Shoebox Time Lapse

The Shoeboxes may be coming down, but their legacy will live on. Alumni have been sharing stories and memories and you can too.

Leave a comment with your CBW memories or share using  #uvmshoeboxes.

For you, Class of 2015

sb one month

Yeah, we know it’s only been one month since you graduated.

Nope, we’re not asking you for anything.  And no, we’re not asking you to check your email.

uvm email check email

This blog is the afterword to your UVM story. It’s here to keep you connected to UVM, Burlington, and to your classmates.

And, we’re here to help you write your next chapter. We’re recent grads like you, we work at the UVM Foundation and our job is to help you.

Unlike your parents, we don’t expect you to know everything right now. You’re under a lot of pressure to plan the rest of your life (whether you have a job, a place to live, or neither) and we want to give you a place to feel at home.

feelgood1Here’s how we’re going to help.

Basically, this is all about you. Your afterwards is worthy of making our afterword.

Derrick Dubois ’13 and Ryan Chartier ’10
Your personal guides into UVM alumnihood

Welcome to Boston

Earlier this month, I attended a great UVM gathering in Boston.  A perfect event for alumni in a big city to meet each other (and grab a beer or two).


We had more than 150 people show up, including a bunch of y’all in the Class of 2015.


Don’t fret if you missed it, there are more events coming up in Boston.

Don’t live in Boston? There are events coming up in other places all summer long.

Still figuring it out?  Update your info, so you get invited to stuff.