Status Report

live from vermont

* MFIC research
* Workshop and documentation touch-ups (including checking machines)
* Documentation
* MFIC meeting Project check-in
* MUSE meeting
* Processed IBM
* Workshop delivery
* Pushed Respondus docs over to Bb Wiki
* Ecoecon meeting

Status Report

on the road again

* Support correspondence
* On the road for on-site visit
* MFIC image management discussions
* Processed ICCIE

Status Report

this week is flying by…

* Respondus documentation
* Workshop prep
* Prepped (and booked) for on site visit
* Choppy connection at meeting time, sat out meeting
* Talked with Inés about YUI Grids

Status Report

just another manic Monday

* Yay for remote staff meetings!
* Respondus documentation
* Sent out Skitch invites to colleagues
* Planning for On-Site visit
* Prep for Respondus Migration Workshop
* Process IBM
* Clean up documentation space
* Process ICCIE
* Investigate OASys reported issue, which turned out to be un-reproduceable.

Status Report

Friday elegance

* Calendar development – model association depth issue resolved (grammar strikes again!); added facilitator management[1]
* Processed IBM registrations
* Processed ICCIE
* Support for OASys
[1] @people.delete_if { |person| @roster.include?(person) } #short and sweet!

Status Report

THREE for the price of ONE!

* Holy meeting day, batman!
* Course conversion support correspondence, with the help of Skitch
* Course conversion support correspondence
* Added admin accounts to OASys
* Processed IBM
* Got the phone connected
* Calendar Development (event enrollments)
* More course conversion support
* Processed ICCIE
* Processed IBM
* Added more admin accounts to OASys

Status Report

On site

* Faculty correspondence and support, RE: Bb conversion
* In person staff meeting
* EE check-in
* project check-in

Status Report

Long distance Friday

* Eco Econ
* Bb conversion committee meeting. Skype was a bit choppy, but it worked…
* Respondus migration documentation
* Camtasia install (need license key)
* Processed ICCIE Registrations

Status Report


* check voicemail

Status Report

Hummus and Cucumber Sandwich with Tomato Bisque Soup

* OASys testing
* Eco Econ development, including url cleanup and course landing page creation
* Support request for OASys resolved
* Review course conversion notes (i.e. media storage, bh reserves, document and image linking/uploading) for Bb Team meeting tomorrow