Start up

Summer is done, though the warm weather is hanging around, a rarity for northern Vermont. This week was back-to-school which included:

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It is only fitting that this image be included in the blog space. It’s an ancient (in web terms) image composite of a portion of one of Bauer’s 17th century images for Ovid’s Metamorphoses and an 1857 fashion image from Godey’s Lady’s book of a girl and woman wearing a “Eugenie Caraco.” The wonders of simple PhotoShop. It’s also a reminder to me that my ancient original web site is long overdue for a facelift.

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UTF-8 encoding, Word, WebCT

Saving HTML files with UTF-8 encoding

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art and computer science

Fine arts scholars join computer scientists to explore cultural creativity
Project 66, Kabakov

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marquise costume survey image collection

La Couturi�re Parisienne Costume and Fashion Site

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cs005 wiki

Have set up a wiki for CS005 to do some collaborative writing. This time I have remembered to post the URL here so I don;t forget where it is!

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Added some photo albums for the summer:
(The presence of the cat pics has nothing to do with what Keith is BBQing on the grill…)
Building the Deck:
Girls Outing to Long Island:
A Couple of Pics from the Marathon:

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TEI: Open Office
Using TEI with Open Office, including footnotes info

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CFP: wikis book

The time has come for an edited collection of essays on wikis
entitled The Wild, Wild Wiki: Unsettling the Frontiers of

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Academic Commons

Academic Commons |

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