ECD links

Round Band Music
Estienne’s Country Dance Book (Mostly Playford)
Earthly Delight’s Dance Step Descriptions
Great links from the Dancer’s Web
More Links from the Dance Niche
JC’s ABC Tune Finder database
The Round Dance Archive Index
The Dancing Master, 1651-1728: An Illustrated Compendium
How to Read Playford
Advice on Playing Dance Music
Eric Foxley’s Music Database (huge)
CDS Boston: balls, summer dance workshops, etc.
Elegant Arts Society (NY. CT): area listings, Regency Balls!

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NERCOMP: Institutional Repositories

NERCOMP: Institutional Repositories: How are They Evolving
Sept. 26, 2006
Speakers discussed five digital repository experiences/tools:
* ContentDM at Mt. Holyoke
* DigitalCommons at UConn
* DigiTools at Brandeis
* dSpace at Harvard Science Libraries
* Fedora at Tufts
Some overall conclusions:
* Institutional is correct: for the most part the collections grew from small funded projects where the emphasis was on local creation and access. Though the results are on the web there is little regard for connections to other institutions’ collections, cross-collection access, or tie ins to other possibilities.
* Repositories is also correct: most collections were built as a storage facility for individual objects. Search within a collection, find an object, look at an object. Very little concern about connections between multiple objects within or without the collection. Some OAI implementation but the model was very bricks-and-mortar library-like.

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Alice B. Neal Haven


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ECD recording/music

CDS Boston English Country Dance Collection

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heymath:model resource

HeyMath! Because every student counts

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Everton: Accessible Archives

Everton’s Home Page – Genealogy, Family History Research
According to one blog, this organization gives you subscriber access to Accessible Archives for less than AA does itself, plus you get geneology info. Not bad.

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Virginia etext center

Electronic Text Center at UVa Library

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web fun

from Steve:
vending ninja
Stealth technology

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Image upload


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new posting

Just testing for cs005…

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