Rahtze: TEI XSLT

talk-transform.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Sebastian Rahtze’s excellent slides on TEI/XSLT/XPATH, how to do it, syntax, what it means.

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cylender recordings: early 20th century music

Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project
Check out “Ev’ry little bit” “Take me back to New York Town” dreamland. mockingbird and so many more!
Andrew B. Sterling and Harry von Tilzer, too

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P&P ECD notes

Dances from Pride & Prejudice
Notes, midi files, and directions for the 7 dances used in the 2005 Knightly P&P

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Flytop Pen

The Pen Gets a Whole Lot Mightier – New York Times
The toy is interesting, but what is also interesting is the way it integrates reading/writing/sound. The concept of silent and personal reading is, after all, fairly new. Are we seeing a return to a more oral/aural society? A different kind, though, one where memory/memorization is not key–the computer holds your memory…

Continue reading

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The New Facebook Frenzy – News
Basic article about pros and cons of Facebook. I didn’t realise you must use a .edu address to join.

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2 thoughts for the day

I. Sketchy Notes on Enduring Tropes (and pet peeves?) of adoption of emerging technologies:
1. recurring trope: confusing personal practice with general use –
“no one will want to x (read text on a computer screen, listen to a podcast, listen to music on a phone, etc.) so we shouldn’t do it
[in this case “no one” = “I”]
2. (corollary of 1.?) recurring trope: culture clash
– assignment: put yourself out there on the blog!; consequence: get fired, get disciplined, get embarrassed 5 years later. It is the nature of the technology that only the things you don’t want to lose are lost. When your understanding of appropriate and open conflicts with someone else’s (and there is probably a correlation between a person’s level of tolerance and their desire to object to other’s actions) what happens?
3. people who use IT in education
“‘THEY’ don’t understand the pedagogical value of emerging technology x. They think is is no different than technology y.” (Well why the hell should they when you are using PowerPoint to demo it??)
4. “heard here first” or, Andy Warhol strikes again – notice how rapid pace of emerging technologies is paralleled by the positive frenzy to be the first to name the new. Google on podagogy.
5. online optimism and self-fulfilling prophecies: “he who says the most has the most to say”
5. and there was another one but 2 phone calls broke the train of thought and I’ve got to get back to preparing for class
II. Writing across the Disciplines/Curriculum/Community and podcasting:
for many, writing is hard, talking is easy. For understanding some things, sometimes reading is the better (faster?) vehicle, for others, audio. Will decisions related to which to use in a given educational setting be determined by the pedagogical value or by expediencey? (well duh) Will claims about which is “better” be made based on one or t’other? From scholarly books to articles to ??? (Also, books as a physical artefact are obviously not dead. But take fiction/fun-non-fiction and textbooks out of the mix? What’s the health of what’s left?) (Read any 17th century prose lately?)
Listening Across the Curriculum…

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18th century textile reproductions

Dur�n Textiles AB
Beautiful reproductions of 18th century textiles. Also check the bilder/pictures section. Some of the cottons will soon be carried by renaissancefabrics.net
Also see http://www.reproductionfabrics.com/
for some reproductions and “inspired by” fabrics.

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writing across the curriculum – wac – online journals

WAC and Writing Journals
From Colorado States WAC program

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ECD dance descriptions

List of Ball Dances
Descriptions of some familiar dances: click on dance name for specifics. No music.

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Learner-centric, ePortfolios, Web 2.0

Despite the turn that eportfolios are taking away from personal learning tools and towards “a collection of things to augment your resume,” the concept of creating and controlling your own learning is alive and well. Stephen Downes has laid out an interesting approach to the intersection of Web 2.0 technologies and eportfolios as personal learning resources:

e-Learning 2.0.
Stephen Downes
eLearn Magazine, Oct. 2005


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