Category Archives: Uncategorized

Endnote installs

Here’s what I did on the CTL laptops: – installed Endnote 8 on all Dells that would boot. – installed the 8.0.1 update on all that had SP2 (about a third of them, which means we have some general updating … Continue reading

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HST287: historical production, push

I’ve noticed that, even on the web, people stay in their circles. Despite “literature searches” we tend to follow the same sources, the same groups around. Will push technologies change that? Will academic push information break through those circles? Something … Continue reading

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moving here

Moved to this new UVM blogspace. Duplicated some of the old entries from other blogspace at: didn’t bother with some other older experimental blogs, except to grab the first curmudgeonly message from a real old one…

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HST287: paper ideas, musings

Some current trends that may intersect in interesting ways in how we “do” history: – “information explosion” – a perception (and an increasing reality?) that the amount of collected data is too overwhelming to process by traditional means – instant … Continue reading

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eWalks step counter utility

Our utility for tracking steps for the 2004 Step by Step wellness program

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