Category Archives: Digital Humanities

Convert P4 to P5

An XSLT stylesheet for converting P4 to P5

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Canterbruy Tales Project

The Canterbury Tales Project: home page

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Will Richardson: Blog in Ed

Weblogg-ed Why Weblogs? Will Richardson’s blog on blogs and ed. He also has a book out “Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms”

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METS navigator

Jenn Riley announces: The Indiana University Digital Library Program is pleased to announce the release of METS Navigator 1.0 Beta, a METS-based system for displaying and navigating sets of page images or other multi-part digital objects. More information, documentation, and … Continue reading

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UVic image Markup Tool

The UVic Image Markup Tool Project

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Eric Lease Morgan’s Digital Library Manual

Designing, Implementing, and Maintaining Digital Library Services and Collections with MyLibrary. See:

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ACLS Report: Cyberinfrastructure for Humanities

acls-ci-public.pdf (application/pdf Object) Report on the “gran challenge” of providing a cyberinfrastructure to build the global digital library. “At present, we have the opportunity to reintegrate the cultural record, connecting its disparate parts and making the resulting whole available to … Continue reading

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NEH Fellowship

Guidelines for Fellowships and Faculty Research Awards Deadline May 1

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HASTAC, video games, Duke

A New Lab Helps Bridge the Humanities and Technology Also, HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, Technology Advanced Collaboratory): Excerpts from the article: ““We’re not trying to teach people to play games,” said Tim Lenoir, the Kimberly J. Jenkins Professor of … Continue reading

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TEI workshop materials

From Lou Burnard: Sebastian, James, and I have just finished our annual two day course on XML and TEI here at OUCS, and all the teaching materials are, as usual, available from the website at

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