Category Archives: Digital Humanities


Main Page – DoctorWiki

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Using Images in classroom

Images Can Make Powerful Slam Dunk Digital Lessons Criteria for selecting images, generating questions/brainstorming around an image.

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Book: Digital History (creating)

Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web Daniel J. Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig do it again, this time as a “how to” book (entire contents online at the link) on creating digital history … Continue reading

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NYTimes: NYPL Illuminated Manuscripts

Illuminated Pages Capturing a Fading World – New York Times Though Feb. 11, NYPL displays 100 illuminated books. Also displays some books with additional monitor “page-turner” viewers. Includes a girdle bok, “in this case a breviary in a second wood … Continue reading

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NERCOMP: Institutional Repositories

NERCOMP: Institutional Repositories: How are They Evolving Sept. 26, 2006 Speakers discussed five digital repository experiences/tools: * ContentDM at Mt. Holyoke * DigitalCommons at UConn * DigiTools at Brandeis * dSpace at Harvard Science Libraries * Fedora at Tufts … Continue reading

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Alice B. Neal Haven

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heymath:model resource

HeyMath! Because every student counts

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Everton: Accessible Archives

Everton’s Home Page – Genealogy, Family History Research According to one blog, this organization gives you subscriber access to Accessible Archives for less than AA does itself, plus you get geneology info. Not bad.

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art and computer science

Fine arts scholars join computer scientists to explore cultural creativity Project 66, Kabakov

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cs005 wiki

Have set up a wiki for CS005 to do some collaborative writing. This time I have remembered to post the URL here so I don;t forget where it is!

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