NECOL: New England Collections Online
“SOUTHBOROUGH, MA, September 19, 2006 – NELINET is pleased to announce the launch of New England Collections Online (NECOL), a new online service that will provide member libraries and institutions all over New England with the infrastructure to make their digital collections more visible to Web users in New England and beyond.
NECOL will be released in two phases. The first phase, now operational, allows New England institutions to contribute metadata from digital collections hosted at their institutions to a centralized site that will provide unified search access across the collections of all participants via an OAI harvester. Contributing metadata to the NECOL Harvester will increase the visibility of an institution’s digital collections and improve its chance of discovery via the Web. NELINET will help member institutions prepare their metadata to meet the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) standards as an added service.”
The second phase, to be completed in 2007, will be the implementation of a Digital Repository (DR) which will offer NELINET members a hosted solution for storing, managing, and providing access to their digital collections. This solution is ideal for any institution that does not have the resources to mount and manage digital collections on their own, but do have collections that would provide great value to scholars and the public. The collections in the DR will also be accessible through the NECOL OAI Harvester.

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