Mary W. George (“Admissions of Another Sort” April 13, 2009) ponders the student library research experience and wonders: “If there is a discrepancy between pedagogical intent and actual student research behavior, how do faculty members address it?”
Here are several statements she has encountered from students. Read the engaging article for her speculations on the “cause and cure” of these statements.
1. “I have no idea [about the dates or details of my topic].”
2. I’m wondering why I can’t I find this periodical article in the library’s catalog.
3. This magazine isn’t digitized, so I guess we don’t have it and I can’t get it.
4. I need to change my topic because there’s not enough stuff [sic] about it.
5. I’m not clear about what makes an article scholarly or a book a monograph.
6. I can’t find books about [an event that occurred last month].
7. I’m confused about the difference between a primary and a secondary source.
8. I’m afraid I’ll be cheating if I take references from someone else’s biblio.