Just published: a report, including several papers, from the September 2008 symposium held by the Council on Library and Information Resources and the National Endowment for the Humanities, titled:
“Working Together of Apart: Promoting the Next Generation of Digital Scholarship“
The purpose of the symposium was to explore the intersections between the humanities, social sciences, and computer science. There were two fundamental questions framing the meeting: 1) how are the interpretation and analysis of texts, images and other media, as well as their expression and related pedagogy, being transformed by digital applications, and 2) what kinds of research in computer science will be driven by the research, questions, and needs of digital humanities and social science scholars?
Papers include:
- Asking Questions and Building a Research Agenda for Digital Scholarship (Amy Friedlander)
- Tools for Thinking: ePhilology and Cyberinfrastructure (Gregory Crane, Alison Babeu, David Bamman, Lisa Cerrato, Rashmi Singhal)
- The Changing Landscape of American Studies in a Global Era (Caroline Levander)
- A Whirlwind Tour of Automated Language Processing for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Douglas W. Oard)
- Information Visualization: Challenge for the Humanities (Maureen Stone)
- Art History and the New Media: Representation and the Production of
- Humanistic Knowledge (Stephen Murray)
- Social Attention in the Age of the Web (Bernardo A. Huberman)
- Digital Humanities Centers: Loci for Digital Scholarship (Diane M. Zorich)