June 22, 2020 Inviting everyone to this webinar on fungicide resistance management. While it’s tailored for grapes, this is just as important for apple growers. No VT pesticide recertification credits are available for this. From: Wine Grape Newsletter On Behalf Of psuwineandgrapes@psu.eduSent: Monday, June 22, 2020 11:07 AMTo: WINEGRAPE-L@LISTS.PSU.EDUSubject: [WINEGRAPE-L] Join us for a live …
Tag Archives: Tree Fruit
Foliar Nutrient Analysis, Pest Management, and COVID-Related Items
July 29, 2020 As the calendar flips to August, it’s time to wrap up field activities in preparation for harvest in Vermont orchards. Foliar nutrient analysis – It is the time in the growing season to collect leaf samples for analysis. Samples are usually collected between July 15 – Aug. 15. The UVM Agriculture and …
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Apple Maggot Fly Traps Should go up; End of Scab??
By Terence Bradshaw June 25, 2020 Hopefully everyone had some fungicide coverage on for that last rain we got yesterday. It’s hard to tell without doing proper spore counts, but I feel pretty confident saying that primary scab season is done for this year. Scout your orchards for lesions and protect from secondary infections if …
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Pick-your-own and Farmer’s Market Guidance for COVID-19 Safety
By Terence Bradshaw The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets (VAAFM) has released guidance on Farmers Markets and Pick-Your-Own operations that must be followed until further notice. The Farmer’s Market guidance was posted earlier last month and is viewable on the VAAFM website: https://agriculture.vermont.gov/sites/agriculture/files/Farmers%20Market%20Guidance%2005.05.20.pdf. All farms that operate their own farm stands should plan …
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