COVID-19 business resources, green tip approaching in VT orchards

By Terence Bradshaw First, UVM Extension Farm Viability Program has posted a page of resources for farm businesses related to emergency loans, grants, and other updates from state agencies: Of particular interest to the framing community is the Paycheck Protection Program which provides low-interest, forgiveable loans to small businesses to cover payroll, mortgage interest, …

Pre bud break vineyard management; COVID-19 farm business resources

By Terence Bradshaw First, UVM Extension Farm Viability Program has posted a page of resources for farm businesses related to emergency loans, grants, and other updates from state agencies: Of particular interest to the framing community is the Paycheck Protection Program which provides low-interest, forgiveable loans to small businesses to cover payroll, mortgage interest, …

Webinar TODAY on COVID-19 and produce farms;

By Terence Bradshaw I apologize for the late notice. There will be a webinar hosted by the Cornell Workforce Development, Produce Safety Alliance, and Small Farm Program today, April 3 at 10:00 am : COVID-19 and Your Produce Farm. Details at: Best, Terry Where trade names or commercial products are used for identification, no …

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