New England 2016 Grape Survey

I urge all grape producers, regardless of size, to complete this important survey. It has been difficult to put an appropriate vale on the grape industry in Vermont and New England, and now that they are counting, the industry needs to participate. The grape industry is likely worth a bit more than $4.2 million region-wide, but we can’t tell unless growers report. I am forwarding the following message from the regional National Agricultural Statistics Service Office. -TB

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, New England Field Office is about to conduct the 2016 New England Grape Production and Value Survey. Last year the survey results indicated the value of New England grown grapes sold in 2014 to be $4.2 million. We were able to publish some State estimates but limited response for some States didn’t allow us to do so. The results were published in the 2015 New England End of Season Fruit and Vegetable Yield and Price Report,

I’m asking for your help to encourage grape producers to respond. We will mailed the questionnaires this week and will be phoning those that do not respond around mid-February.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Gary R. Keough, State Statistician

U.S. Department of Agriculture | National Agricultural Statistics Service

Field Operations | New England Field Office

53 Pleasant St. Room 3450

Concord, NH 03301

T: 603-227-3129 | F: 603-225-1434 | M: 603-568-6535 |

New England 2016 Grape Production and Processing Survey Press Release.pdf

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