November 20th Northern Grapes Project Webinar registration is open

The Northern Grapes Project Webinar Series

“Trellis Design and Construction and Pruning Fundamentals Prior to Your First Cut”

Steve Lerch Mike White

Cornell University Iowa State University

November 20th, 2014

12:00 Noon Eastern (11:00 am Central)

7:00 pm Eastern (6:00 pm Central)

Steve Lerch of Cornell University and Mike White of Iowa State University will present a two-part webinar on trellis design/construction and pruning basics. Steve’s portion of the webinar will cover the materials, equipment, and methods used to build a sound trellis that will stand the test of time. Mike’s portion of the webinar will cover the pruning fundamentals you need to know, prior to making the first cut, that will dramatically increase the chances of reaching that ideal vine balance (aka: nirvana in the vineyard) that we all read about but seldom achieve.

Registration is NOT required if you received this email directly from Chrislyn Particka, as it means that you are a member of the Northern Grapes Webinar mailing list.

All members of the Northern Grapes Webinar mailing list will receive an email the Monday before the webinar containing the web address (URL) for both webinar sessions as well as connection instructions.

If you have received this email from someone other than Chrislyn Particka, you need to register via the link below:

Registering for one Northern Grapes Webinar will place you on the mailing list, and you will receive announcements and connection instruction for all further Northern Grapes Webinars.

Registration will close at 8 am (Eastern) on Monday, November 17th.

Feel free to email Chrislyn Particka (cap297) with any questions, if you want to check your registration status, or if you’d like to be removed from the Northern Grapes Webinar mailing list.

Further Northern Grapes Project information is available on-line at


The Northern Grapes Project is funded by the USDA’s Specialty Crops Research Initiative Program of the National Institute for Food and Agriculture, Project #2011-51181-30850 and through the New York State Specialty Crops Block Program.

Chrislyn A. Particka, PhD

Extension Support Specialist

Cornell University

Department of Horticultural Sciences

630 W. North Street

Geneva, NY 14456


315-787-2449 (desk)

315-787-2216 (fax)