The Agricultural Engineering Program of UVM Extension is dedicated to enhancing Vermont’s food systems through analysis, design, evaluation and adoption of infrastructure, technology and equipment that meet the needs of food producers and processors.
Vermont’s food systems are experiencing increased localization, value addition, diversification, extension of growing season and increased market demand. New crops and new ways of growing and harvesting crops are being explored and adopted. Regional processing of crops to value-added food products is on the rise. Consumers are demanding nutritious, safe, and locally-sourced foods through-out the year requiring a focus on extended growing season and improved storage mechanisms. This is happening at a time when energy is expensive and environmental impact is increasingly important. As a result, the agricultural landscape and the people who work in it are changing and adapting. The dynamic nature of the food system demands technical assistance in several areas including engineering.
Farmers and processors with specific technical needs and research & development ideas related to Vermont food systems are encouraged to contact us.
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