Online Tutoring Center

tutoring.jpgOn the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.

Occassionally I get spam that attracts my attention. A notice from AskOnline.Net started out “We build online tutoring centers for colleges and universities where your students will work with YOUR tutors. Harvard, Duke and Berkeley College are already realizing the benefits of giving students access to tutors over the internet.”

Although systems like Blackboard, Instant Messaging, WebCT, etc, provide some of the underlying services, the online tutoring environment provides some nice administrative and support features that don’t come about with the “environmental” features to support a tutoring center. An online “tutoring” invironment might be an interesting addition to things like the CTL’s Dr is In program, the Library Reference Desk, the Writing Center, the Writing program, etc …

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CFP : Tools for Supporting Social Structures

acm-sigweb.jpgThe ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) has issued a call for participation for Hypertext 2006 : Tools for Supporting Social Structures. Scheduled to be held in Odense, Denmark, August 23 – 25, 2006, this is the 17th Hypertext conference.

Hypertext and hypermedia are technologies for supporting structured knowledge work. The Seventeenth International ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia: Tools for Supporting Social Structures (HT 2006) will focus specifically on tools that help us represent, model and interact with social structures, including cultural, literary, linguistic, and other types of social structures. Recently, in fields ranging from anthropology to linguistics, there has been an increasing focus on representing complex social phenomena using networks or other structure-intensive models. HT 2006 will bring together social scientists with hypertext and hypermedia researchers who specialize in building tools to build, manipulate, and manage structure-intensive models

For more information, visit the conference website at

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iTunes U

There have been several stories in the news lately about colleges partnering with Apple to offer podcasts of lectures or other audio content through iTunes. (see below for example) Aside from the questions these partnerships raise about Apple, marketing, and iPod dominance, they also raise questions about how the CTL (LRG? UVM?) might enable this kind of activity. Should we be encouraging UVM to make it’s intellectual capital available this way? How can we support this? What hurdles must be cleared to make the process easier? How do we get beyond the “early adoptor” stage? – New River Valley Current-Apple isn’t just for teachers anymore — iTunes service to debut at Radford in fall

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CSS Resources Galore

I came across this page of links this morning to numerous CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) resources across the web that could be incredibly helpful to anyone making a web page or blog theme/template or working on content within WebCT.

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todo: take quiz, do laundry…

Blackboard to Resell e-Suds Internet Laundry to Higher Ed
Blackboard Inc. said it has become a reseller of the e-Suds online laundry service. e-Suds’ parent, USA Technologies, said Blackboard will start to offer e-Suds to customers that use the Blackboard Transaction System. e-Suds is an Internet connected laundry system that lets students monitor the availability and status of washing machines and dryers via the Internet.
Users will swipe their Blackboard transaction card to activate the laundry system, and will be notified by e-mail on their PC, or receive a cellular phone text message when the laundry is done. The cost of the service will be automatically deducted online from a student’s Blackboard account.
For more information, click here.

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BSAD/SoE TabletPC Grant

External Research & Programs: Tablet PC Technology, Curriculum, and Higher Education 2005 RFP Awards
BSAD and SoE have received funds from MiscroSoft to explore enhancing student use of TabletPCs in their respective departments. According to the blurb they also intend to “develop training seminars on Tablet PCs and associated software.”

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Google Notebook appears …

googlenotebooklogo.gifThe Google Notebook appliance has arrived with not much fanfare – the news competes with Apple’s announcement of the new MacBook, Sony’s announcement of a new pocket Vaio UX, Yahoo’s announcement of a new home page and probably others still to come. The Google announcement is byfar the most interesing one.

Google Notebook is a Firefox (and IE) extention that creates a notepad at the bottom right of the browser. You can “cut and paste” information from the current webpage (text, images, links), insert tags, and store the information on your Google “page.” The notebook can be private or public. Installing the Firefox extentions and then restarting the browser takes you to a startup tutorial page. After that, we’re on.

Although it’s branded “Google Labs”, not “Google Beta”, it feels more like betaware – some of the features are less than idea when compared to popular social network sites – or maybe I should just read the manual :).

[1] Google Notebook, for IE and FireFox,

[2] Press release, “Sony delivers world’s first full-function, pocket-sized PC”, San Diego, May 16, 2006.

[3] Apple Website, Introducing the all-new MacBook,

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Systems at Civil & Environmental Engineering

After a month or so of design, development, edits and fixes, we’re pround to announce the launch of the Systems at Civil & Environmental Engineering website.
The site serves as a launch pad for a curricular reform initiative, sponsored in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation, whereby students will be asked to think about civil & environmental engineering problems as being part of a greater system. In other words, how one problem/solution set might impact many other problem/solution sets.
Over the course of a student’s civil & environmental engineering education, they will work with their classmates to help solve a particular problem in a particular town. These Catamount Communities are signing on for four years of service learning work with an entire graduating class of budding engineers, which promises to help enrich and enhance the overall educational experience.
Visit Systems at CEE

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Computer grading of student essays …

typa-typa-typa.jpgEnvision this: A computer tells students that their latest literary concoction doesn’t connect ideas logically. At Warren Central High School, in Indianapolis, English teacher Kathy Paris doesn’t have to imagine. She uses Criterion, a Web service that scores essays and shoots feedback out to students within seconds.
Article source and image source: “Grade-o-Matic : The red pen goes high tech”, Cheri Lucas, Edutopia’s Technology Intrgration, May 11, 2006. Edutopia, The George Lucas Educational Foundation.
Article additional resources:
Grades That Mean Something:
Other resources:
Computer Software Grades Essays Just as Well as People, Profs Announce., University of Colorado, Boulder, 1998. (Science Blog,
Quote: “In one test, both the Intelligent Essay Assessor and faculty members graded essays from 500 psychology students at CU-Boulder. “The correlation between the two scores was very high — it was the same correlation as if two humans were reading them,” Landauer said.”

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iChat Video Interview?

So I know this guy who graduated from UVM a couple years ago and has since moved to San Francisco to work in a bio-medical research lab. More specifically, he studies the effects of rubbing chili paste on peoples arms…
Today, he sent me a very interesting Instant Message via iChat that I think has a great applications to Higher Education.
He was set to interview for Medical Schools, via Video Conference! The reason he contacted me, was that I use the “same internet” as the people who would be interviewing him from UVM. Granted this may be more exciting to me than for you, one has to realize the potential that this free technology can offer us! Imagine, instead of using Horizon Live or some other video conferencing service, a professor teaches their class infront of an iSight or similar device, a student has a question and is able to then join that conference via video to ask it! Maybe you apply to a job out in California from Vermont and the company really wants to meet you, but doesn’t want to fly you out. Just hook up the old internet camera and make magic! True, the hardware is not free, nor does iChat support more than 4 or 5 users on even the best machine – but as soon as you realize the limitations of software/hardware, you begin to see improvements.
So there you have it, evidence of iChat being used for interviewing at UVM…..

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