Endnotes Workshop

Click Here to take Endnotes Workshop survey
Endnotes Web Site, this is a great starting point for all resources and support related to Endnotes.
UVM libraries Web Site about Endnote
Download the file to search UVM libraries in ENDNOTE here!
Enjoy EndNote. It is a very nice tool. (when it works correctly!!)
See us at the CTL Dr Is In if you need additional help.

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Creating Audio Files for Education

In preparation for our podcasting workshop on August 7th in 113T Waterman, Will and I decided to put together a resource page for the faculty and staff attending our workshop. This is a mixture of articles, how to’s and ways to use podcasts in education. We hope you find these links useful.
Holly and Will

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Bloggers at work

Bloggers at work

Originally uploaded by cafeholly

Monday and Tuesday we were hard at work facilitating a blogging workshop for UVM Faculty and Staff. This is a photo of the Bloggers hard at work in class yesterday. Today we learned of a blog that is a great resource for learning Movable Type which is the blog software we use on campus. It is called learningmovabletype.com This is a great place to start to learn about the MT software.

For those of you who participated in the workshop over the past two days, thank you for your attention and please give us some feedback by filling out our Online Survey!
Click Here to take survey

Happy Blogging!
Holly Parker and Justin Henry, co-facilitators

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“Live” from ED-MEDIA

A few of our colleagues are in Vancouver this week for ED-MEDIA, the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications. Holly Parker and Paul Martin are presenting today.
You can follow Holly, Paul, and Steve Cavrak on Twitter.

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Got Slides?

There are several ways to make Powerpoint slides available online. Some methods are better than others, but how you do it often depends on your audience. Will they be printing the presentation? Where are they likely to be viewing it – at home, at the library, at work?
We’ve talked about Powerpoint here before, and I’ve written elsewhere about the value of presentation skills. What follows is more of a practical publishing and distribution guide than a philosophical approach.

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Case Study: Hybrid Learning

In a new case study, “Hybrid Learning: Maximizing Student Engagement,” Ruth Reynard explores hybrid or “blended” courses (a face-to-face course that contains online elements). hybrid.jpgShe concludes that these courses “provide more flexibility for on ground students and increase the overall marketability of programs of study to potential students.”
She also provides a thoughtful analysis of how such courses can be structured to maximise “opportunities for the learning process to become much more engaging for students and for students to drive the learning process more directly. It is also an effective way to increase students’ learning autonomy.”
Full article at:

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Office 2007 is Coming!

Office 2007 has arrived and with it the main questions: what are the big differences between this version and other Office versions? when should we make the jump?
ETS has put together a Task Force led by Doug Varney, Carol Caldwell-Edmonds, and Mike Fitzgerald to explore the new Office suite and determine ways to ease the transition. The Task Force consists of ETS staff, departmental IT support staff, and people who use Office applications on a regular basis. The plan is to test the applications and collect information on changes, pitfalls, tips and tricks, then analyze the data and make recommendations. Members would like to work with volunteers who would like to try the products to build a comprehensive picture of what works, what doesn’t, what may cause trouble, and what may be a fantastic new feature.
The collection/analysis phase will be through mid-June, then the group will be publicizing that and opening up publication/commenting to the broader UVM community. Ideas on the best way to spread the news and provide support for the transition are welcome. Current ideas include space on ETS web site, a blog devoted to this, publicly-accessible areas of the Sharepoint site, all/any of the above.
Would you like to see some workshops at the CTL on any of these products? Let us know! And if you would like to volunteer a few minutes of your time to try out your favorite Office application feature and report your reactions to the Task Force, let us know that too!

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Connectivism Online Conference : February 2 – February 9

Connectivism Online Conference is an open online forum exploring how learning has been impacted by ongoing changes. The conference, hosted online by the University of Manitoba, runs from February 2 – 9, 2006. The daily conference schedule is.

Friday, Feb 2: George Siemens, Connectivism: Learning Conceptualized Through the Lens of Today’s World
Monday, Feb 5: Will Richardson, Connective Teaching: How the Read/Write Web Challenges Traditional Practice
Tuesday, Feb 6: Diana Oblinger, Balancing Agility and Stability in Higher Education
Wednesday, Feb 7: Bill Kerr, A Challenge To Connectivism
Thursday, Feb 8: Stephen Downes,The Recognition Factor
Friday, Feb 9: Terry Anderson, Research and Net Pedagogies

All sessions begin at Noon, EST or 11 AM CST.
If you blog or use social bookmarking sites, please use the conference tag: OCC2007.

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Wrapping up workshop week with “Blogging Your Course”

Thanks to those who packed the house at the CTL Commons over the past couple of days, making this last workshop of the 2007 winter series another fun and exciting experience for us. Don’t forget to come back and visit us at the Dr. Is In program, and to keep an eye on our calendar of events for more opportunities like this. Below are a few resources we mentioned over the course of the workshop.

Finally, please don’t forget to fill out our evaluation. We really take these seriously, and use the results when we prepare to run a workshop again.

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Connectivism Online Conference (February 2 – 9)

The evolution of teaching and learning is accelerated with technology. After several decades of duplicating classroom functionality with technology, new opportunities now exist to alter the spaces and structures of knowledge to align with both needs of learners today, and affordances of new tools and processes.

Connectivism Online Conference is an open online forum exploring how learning has been impacted by ongoing changes. The conference will run from February 2 – 9, 2007.
Key themes: trends in K-12 sector, trends in higher education, research and net pedagogy, technological and societal trends, and connective knowledge and connectivism.
Format: Presenters will deliver a 50 minute presentation followed by 10 minutes of questions. After each presenter, conversation will occur online in Moodle, allowing participants to challenge, critique, explore, and extend ideas presented.
More information and (free) registration: http://umanitoba.ca/learning_technologies/connectivisim/
Spotted by: Charles Rathbone

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