Category Archives: CTL Home Page

Some Tips for the First Day of Class

Tip #1: Learn names. Jonathan Leonard (CDAE) makes the effort to learn every student’s name, even when he has hundreds of students! His strategy is to open the class roster page in Banner and display the students’ photos and, while … Continue reading

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DPLA Launches Soon

We love Google books but, for research, often find its limitations frustrating. We love the many and varied digital collections that abound throughout the web but wish they could be used in a more seamlessly interconnected way. The vision of … Continue reading

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Launch of UVM Hybrid Initiative

Applications are now being accepted for the UVM Hybrid Course Initiative program! Read more about teaching hybrid coures, about the initiative, and the benefits in applying to teach one of these courses. » Make a comment

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UVM Multicultural Exposition: February 28th

The ALANA Coalition is proud to announce the UVM Multicultural Exposition on February 28th in Billings North Lounge from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.  The exposition will showcase faculty, staff, graduate students and our community members’ research, publications, art, and … Continue reading

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New England Early Career Faculty Focus Group and Networking Event

We just read about this networking event for early career faculty next week, on Wednesday, Feb. 20th, and wanted to pass on the word.

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Using Rubrics for Student Assessment

Did you ever hear a student say, “I wish I understood what the professor wanted with this assignment?”  Have your students ever asked how you came to a specific grade? Have you felt the need to create more clarity around … Continue reading

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Blackboard Housekeeping Tips

You put a lot of work into your Blackboard course space. As we move through each semester there are tasks you can do to protect that work. This checklist can help you wrap up the closing semester and make the … Continue reading

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Blackboard@UVM is getting a new look.

On December 19th, UVM’s Blackboard system will be upgraded to version 9.1.9. What will I have to do? Aside from the normal end-of-term backups and course management tasks, you won’t have to do anything at all to prepare for this … Continue reading

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Student Engagement Tip: Sequence Matters

The recency and primacy effects—long documented phenomena related to the importance of sequence on information recall—evidence that, in short, “Following a single exposure to learning, recall is better for items at the beginning (primacy) and end (recency) […] than for … Continue reading

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MOOCs are courses that are: Massive: designed for large-scale participation by dozens or even thousands of people. Open: freely available with free access to all course materials. Online: available through any web browser on any mobile device or computer. As … Continue reading

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