Category Archives: CTL Home Page

Last Call for Applications!

If you’re interested in teaching a hybrid course, the chance to apply for training and support from the Hybrid Course Initiative will be available for just a few more days. The applications to be part of the next cohort (starting … Continue reading

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Read (or rather, view), on, one faculty person’s evolving position about teaching with this tool and allowing students to present their work with it.

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Hybrid Courses @ UVM

UVM’s Hybrid Course Initiative, conducted by the CTL, is now into the second implementation phase. There are currently three cohorts of faculty who are either teaching or in the process of designing/redesigning hybrid courses. By the end of this second … Continue reading

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Panel Discussion, Tuesday 2/04

These annual conversations with the recipients of the Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award are always lively and interesting! Please join us this Tuesday for a conversation with the faculty who won the award in 2013: Tina Escaja (Romance Languages & … Continue reading

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Postsecondary Education and Universal Design for Learning

Do you sometimes feel like you are trying your best to teach to all the students in your classroom, but something isn’t working because, on the midterm exam, half the class gets below a 70?  How could this be?  In … Continue reading

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Publisher building blocks coming to Blackboard, Fall 2014

The CTL is taking steps to test and install several textbook publisher add-ons for Blackboard. These add-ons allow faculty to link their courses to externally hosted publisher content and interactive tools. For example, an instructor might use the tool to … Continue reading

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Today’s App: Book Crawler

Books upstairs, books downstairs, books in the office, books from the library, books I read long ago, books I’ve winnowed out to donate to the local book sales…I’ve always wanted to catalog them. When Goodreads came along a few years … Continue reading

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Task Management & Setting Priorities for Projects – Large and Small

It often feels like there are not enough hours in our days to get everything done. To make life a bit more manageable, we need some system(s) and process(es) to help take the stress out of the workload. Here are … Continue reading

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Seeking Comments – General Education Initiative Learning Outcomes in Sustainability

The UVM Faculty Senate Committee on Sustainability Learning Outcomes has announced that the draft outcomes are now available to the campus wide community and is asking for feedback. The outcomes were developed over nearly a year of discussions with the … Continue reading

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Non-Credit and Extra-Curricular Activity in Bb

UVM licenses a Bb add-on tool that allows individual colleges and organizational units to create and manage course-like “organizations” in Bb. Example uses of these spaces might include: Providing collaborative environments for Residential Learning Communities and student clubs or interest … Continue reading

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