Category Archives: CTL Home Page

The Computer Ate My Homework.

Viruses. Malware. Network interruptions. Program bugs. Version incompatibilities. Now, add to this list of things that can go wrong add a vendor who sells “corrupt files” that can be submitted in lieu of homework, hopefully buying a day or two … Continue reading

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From Google Puppy to Alpha Dog

What happens if you ask Google to compare the GDP of France and Germany, or ask it how many cows were in Vermont each of the last ten years? You may find a web page where someone has posted that … Continue reading

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Slouching towards electronic textbooks

This morning’s Wall Street Journal (Tuesday, May 5th) fills out some of the details of a rumored “large screen” ebook reader, a device expected to provide a paperless platform for newspapers, magazines, and … academic textbooks. Geoffrey Fowler and Ben … Continue reading

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Why is Web 2.0 Important to Higher Education?

Trent Batson, professor of English, director of academic computing, entrepreneur and bon vivant, has an article in Campus Technology exploring the role of Web2.0 in education, particularly higher education. He observes: For decades, a minority among educators has advocated alternate … Continue reading

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New Resource: LOC on YouTube

First it was Flickr, now its YouTube. Hoorah for the Library of Congress as they begin to place portions of their vast video holdings on this popular site. First collections include the 2008 National Book Festival author presentations, the Books … Continue reading

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Center for Cultural Pluralism Workshop

Responding to Diversity Issues in the Classroom: A Developmental and Social Justice Approach Friday, April 10, 2009 9:00a.m. to 12 Noon in Allen House, room 204. This half day workshop engages participants in building an understanding of how to have … Continue reading

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BlackBoard Jungle 2: Integration, Equality and Social Justice in the Classroom

The Office of the Assoicate Provost for Multicultural Affairs and Academic Initiatives presents Blackboard Jungle 2 Symposium March 27 and 28. For more information and to register visit the website The Center for Teaching and Learning is pleased to present … Continue reading

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WIKI assignments: make it better

Blackboard’s wiki option has made it easier for us to experiment with this collaborative writing application, but designing good wiki assignments remains challenging. There are a number of web sites that assert that wikis can be powerful learning tools, a … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Center for Cultural Pluralism!

The Center for Cultural Pluralism will celebrate its 10 year anniversary on January 29, 2009. The Center has announced their spring programming, which includes guest speakers Dr. Lee Kneflekamp speaking on “MicroAgressions in the Classroom” (Jan. 30) and Dr. Scott … Continue reading

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UVM Events for MLK Week

The Office of the President and the Office of the Associate Provost for Multicultural Affairs and Academic Initiatives are hosting a multi-day celebration honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Most notably, human rights advocate and … Continue reading

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