Author Archives: Justin Henry

iTunes U

There have been several stories in the news lately about colleges partnering with Apple to offer podcasts of lectures or other audio content through iTunes. (see below for example) Aside from the questions these partnerships raise about Apple, marketing, and … Continue reading

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CSS Resources Galore

I came across this page of links this morning to numerous CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) resources across the web that could be incredibly helpful to anyone making a web page or blog theme/template or working on content within WebCT. … Continue reading

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todo: take quiz, do laundry…

Blackboard to Resell e-Suds Internet Laundry to Higher Ed Blackboard Inc. said it has become a reseller of the e-Suds online laundry service. e-Suds’ parent, USA Technologies, said Blackboard will start to offer e-Suds to customers that use the Blackboard … Continue reading

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BSAD/SoE TabletPC Grant

External Research & Programs: Tablet PC Technology, Curriculum, and Higher Education 2005 RFP Awards BSAD and SoE have received funds from MiscroSoft to explore enhancing student use of TabletPCs in their respective departments. According to the blurb they also intend … Continue reading

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Google Notebook appears …

The Google Notebook appliance has arrived with not much fanfare – the news competes with Apple’s announcement of the new MacBook, Sony’s announcement of a new pocket Vaio UX, Yahoo’s announcement of a new home page and probably others still … Continue reading

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Systems at Civil & Environmental Engineering

After a month or so of design, development, edits and fixes, we’re pround to announce the launch of the Systems at Civil & Environmental Engineering website. The site serves as a launch pad for a curricular reform initiative, sponsored in … Continue reading

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Computer grading of student essays …

Envision this: A computer tells students that their latest literary concoction doesn’t connect ideas logically. At Warren Central High School, in Indianapolis, English teacher Kathy Paris doesn’t have to imagine. She uses Criterion, a Web service that scores essays and … Continue reading

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iChat Video Interview?

So I know this guy who graduated from UVM a couple years ago and has since moved to San Francisco to work in a bio-medical research lab. More specifically, he studies the effects of rubbing chili paste on peoples arms… … Continue reading

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Blogging the large class

Alex Halavais has posted a few followups to his blogging in the large class (roughly 400 students) experiment. He has gathered together quite a bit of student feedback, and describes some of the technical and pedagogical hurdles he encountered while … Continue reading

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The ideal classroom

The recently published results of the NetDay Speak Up survey revealed an interesting model of what students consider the ideal school. When asked to “describe a new school for students just like you–what would be the No. 1 technology you … Continue reading

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