Senior Series 2024 | You Are Your Own Brand: Application Materials

Graduation is just around the corner! In our previous blog post, we discussed getting started from scratch with the job search – what to think about, resources available to Catamounts, and how to search for the job that suits you best. In this week’s installment, we’ll discuss tips on:  Resumes  Your resume and cover letter should be tailored …

Resumes and Cover Letters: Opening Doors

Human Resources (HR) Directors see a lot of resumes and cover letters – one local HR professional is sharing her tips for success with you! Resumes and cover letters can open doors to opportunities for you.  Done correctly, they help secure a phone call or interview with the Human Resources team or hiring manager.  Below …

5 Ways to Stand Out After a Career Fair

The communication you have with your targeted employers after a career fair are equally important as the first impression you made with them during the career fair.  Here are 5 ways to pursue a career opportunity in a professional and timely manner:

Switching Sides of the Interview Table

Have you ever wondered what it is like to sit on the other side of the interview? How about what it is like to be the person accepting resumes? If you haven’t thought about the flip side to recruiting, then maybe you should. After all, wouldn’t you like to know what the other side is …

Summer Planning

Even though you may be thinking more about bundling up right now, this is the time to set the stage for your summer plans. Here are the steps you can take to be sure that you’re ready for a productive, experience-boosting summer: Keep your eyes open for opportunities. Postings for internships, research opportunities, and part-time jobs are all …

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