Make the Most Out of Your Internship Experience

So you’ve landed an internship—great! But what can you do to make this a valuable, learning experience? Here are a couple of tips to consider: 1) Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, especially when you are confused about a task you were given or if you are merely curious about the culture of …

What Employers Want

So you want a job or an internship.  You have worked hard, polished your resume and ironed your job fair shirt.  So now what? What is the secret to what employers really want? Keep to the basics.  Employers seek people who present themselves well, are well informed and are interested in being actively involved. Here …

Networking for Beginners

Why should I network? How should I network? How should I prepare for a networking event? If you are currently battling with the job- or internship-search process, it is probable that you have asked yourself at least one of these questions. Being a student, I find it difficult to prepare for networking events. Without a …

Job Fair Follow-Up: Insights from an Employer

Organization: Enterprise Holdings Representative: Randi Blender, Talent Acquisition Manager The Job Fair is over! What do you suggest that students do to follow up? When I meet someone at the Job Fair, it’s always nice to receive a thank you and see his/her online application. If a student secures an interview from the Job Fair, …

Internship of the Month: Simon and Schuster

Intern: Beryl Frishtick Class Year: 2013 Major: English Internship Title: Editorial Intern (at the Atria and Emily Bestler Books imprints) Company: Simon & Schuster Website: Briefly tell us about the organization you were with:  Simon & Schuster is a world-renowned publishing company with offices in NYC, London, Australia, and India.  I worked in the …

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