Career Fashion: Forward

“If you’re not dressed well, you can say all the right things … but you won’t get the job when you’re being compared with a lot of other capable people who are dressed better.” -Kim Zoller, founder and president of Image Dynamics Let’s be blunt: your appearance matters; especially in a professional environment. Research shows that …

Working Your Plan

Dreading those summer “What are you going to do with your life?” conversations with relatives and friends?  Here’s your answer: “I’ve got a plan and I’m working it!” The 4 Year Plan for Career Success is just that—a well-defined road map of action steps for your four years at UVM to help you engage in …

Senior Series: Interviewing

Advice from an Employer to Help You Land the Job When a candidate is invited for an interview, I’m looking at how the candidate’s background coincides with the position’s responsibilities, whether it’s through experience or skills they’ve gained in school. I’m also looking at the candidate’s level of passion –  tone of voice communicates what …

Savvy Seniors: Interviewing- 5 Tips to Get the Job!

Graduation is almost here – all your hard work is paying off.   After the celebrations fade, reality will set in.   Time to get a job. Before the job, comes the interview, are you ready to rock it? Get Ready: Research the company, maybe even the person you will interview with. Use your web skills and …

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