What Employers Look for on a Resume

How long do employers look at your resume? 1 minute? 30 seconds? The answer is an average of 6 seconds. In order to maximize your potential in the allotted time, it is recommended that you personalize it to the reader. Employers read numerous resumes and if the information is not clearly connected to the job, …

World of Work: Alli Morse ’12, State Street Bank

Alli Morse ‘12 Project Manager/Business Analyst State Street Major: Mathematics What are employers looking for? During senior year of college family, friends, professors, and fellow students are all asking the golden question: “What are your plans after you graduate?” For some students, it’s a question they love to be asked because they have an answer. …

Wanted: Socially Responsible Employer

It is common knowledge in today’s society that corporations worldwide face a fundamental struggle: the struggle to find a balance between profit and ethics. The question has always been- can a company be successful and ethical?  This is an incredibly important question for the general public, but it is absolutely crucial for the college student …

What Employers Want

So you want a job or an internship.  You have worked hard, polished your resume and ironed your job fair shirt.  So now what? What is the secret to what employers really want? Keep to the basics.  Employers seek people who present themselves well, are well informed and are interested in being actively involved. Here …

Navigating Your Way to the Right Law School

Finding the right law school can be a daunting task. You must weigh the costs and benefits of earning a J.D. as well as determine what will make your law school experience fulfilling. Examine the following important areas: Evaluate specialty, experience and training opportunities Specialized courses, clinics and professional skills training opportunities tailored to your …

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