How to be Persistent in Your Job Search

Searching for a job sucks. It just does.


It takes loads of time and energy and what do you get most of the time? Rejection.

But, you’ll get that job you are searching for–it just takes persistence.

Our friends at The Muse (our favorite free career website) have lots of tips to stick with your search and find success. Here’s a round-up of some of our favorite articles to keep you focused:

How to Build a Network from Scratch

Hey everyone–Ryan here.  When I graduated in 2010, I didn’t know the first thing about building a network. “Networking” struck fear in my heart (it still-kind-of does).


But, I’ve come to realize how important having a network is to finding a job (and finding a better job when the time is right).  Nearly every job I’ve ever landed has been in part due to the informal network I built along the way.

That said–I’m not an expert.  So, here are some short and very helpful tips about how to build a network from scratch from The Muse (one of our favorite and free career websites).

(The post mentions joining your local alumni club.  You can do that in several major cities and in Vermont by going here.)

Survey Says…

A big thank you to everyone who filled out our survey last week. It’s great to hear from all of you.

We’ve had almost 50 responses so far and here’s what you had to say:

survey results

Guess I should start planning some happy hours?

Luckily, that’s my job. I plan and travel to Young Alumni events throughout the year. So I’ve noted “happy hours” on my to-do list and hope to see many of you in the near future.

If you haven’t had a chance to do our one-question survey, there’s still time. And if you have any other thoughts or questions you can always email me at:


What kind of event would you attend?

The Alumni Association plans tons of events each year.  And, I want to make sure we have some events that speak to you–our most recent graduates.

So, we have a one-question survey for you: what kind of UVM event would you most likely attend?

2015-07-23 12_20_58-Feedback on UVM Events

We’ll report back next week on the results.  In the meantime, here are a few events coming up in the next few months (including a party just for the Class of 2015 in October):

Summer Picnic in Seattle (FREE)
August 9, 2015
Magnolia Park Shelter 1, Seattle, WA


Convocation Procession Alumni Social (FREE)
August 30, 2015
Main Street, Burlington, VT


Fall Social in Maine (FREE)
September 17, 2015
Boone’s Fish House and Oyster Room, Portland, MEPortland-Maine

Class of 2015 Party During Reunion/Homecoming
October 3rd, 2015
Drink, Burlington, VT


How to enjoy summer when you’re working (or not)

Summer takes on a whole new meaning after graduation. For most of the working world summer vacation is cut from three glorious months down to just a week or two. And, if you were lucky enough to have had outdoor summer jobs, the transition to spending most of your day indoors can be a rough one.
summer dogs

But starting your first job doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all the summer fun. Bike to work, grab ice cream at lunch, hit up an outdoor happy hour – with a little imagination and these tips, you can take back your summer.

Having the opposite problem?
chris-traeger-certainIf you’re having a hard time enjoying your summer because you’re stressing over finding a job, we have a guide for you too. We especially like 3, 5, 13, 18, 28, 32 and 34.

Whatever you’re doing – get outside, soak up some Vitamin D and have fun this summer. You survived the coldest winter in Burlington’s history (well, it felt like it anyway), you deserve it!