More Alumni Advice

We’ve gotten lots of very nice feedback through the bottle opener giveaway and a lot of you said you want to hear more alumni stories.

Our friends over at Continuing Education do a great blog called Outreach and they’ve recently featured two alumni giving amazing career advice.

  1. Deb Mignucci, Class of 1982, on what to do with a liberal arts degree, how to stand out as an job applicant, and how recent grads can find success in their job search.
  2. Bill Bright, Class of 1991, on finding a job, changing careers, and making mistakes.

Let’s Chat Next Week

We do a lot of emailing around here, but we thought it would be nice to actually talk to you the old-fashioned way.

zach morris cell phone

And since we can’t call everyone on our own, we’ve asked the Chatty Cats to give you a ring next week. They’re all UVM undergrads, so treat them well (and give them some advice too).

Don’t worry, this is not some secret ploy to ask you for money.  Yes, the Chatty Cats typically fundraise for UVM, but not this time — they are just calling to check-in, ask a few questions, and get your feedback.

We will try to call your cell phone number — if we have it — and our number will show up as 802-656-9999.

For those of you who haven’t completed the Career Center’s 2015 outcomes survey, this is a not-so-secret attempt to get your response. We know you’ve gotten a million emails from the Career Center recently about this survey. They’ve asked us to help out with a shortened version. It’s just three questions but it’s important — even if you don’t have a “career outcome” at this point.

Here’s why the survey is important: It helps us know if we are preparing students well for the real world. Plain and simple — we want to know if we did well by you.

It’s your opportunity to give feedback — positive or negative — and make your voice heard. Right now, we only have a 35% response rate and we would love to have a more representative sample of what’s happening with everyone.

And don’t forget:

5 Things to Do Before Making Your First Student Loan Payment

Yes, it’s hard to believe. But, for most of you with student loans, your first payment is probably due this month.

How do I know?  I was in your exact shoes two years ago. 

I was on an 8-hour drive for my job (not fun) and in the middle of the 5th radio appearance of Pharrell William’s “Happy”  I realized my first loan payment was due that day. I pulled out my crappy, quasi-smart phone and tried to make my payment on the side of the road.

After navigating the worst website in history, I managed to click the payment button before my browser crashed — did I make my payment? Only the internet gods knew for sure.

When I finally got home and logged on from my laptop, it hit me. I had already signed up for automatic loan payments and my side-of-the-road payment also went through.

I made a double payment — not because of my financial acumen — but because of my disorganization. 

I ate lots of Ramen that month. This is definitely not an experience to emulate and I’m going to try and make up for it by giving you really solid advice.

Here are 5 essential things you should do before making your first payment:

  1. Read this article from the New York Times. It walks you through a lot of scenarios and links to other great resources.
  2. Get Organized. Figure out if you have federal loans or private loans (or both) and how many. It’s probably easiest to ask your parents, look at old mail, or check your email — you loan provider has almost certainly tried to contact you by now.
  3. Pick a repayment plan. There are several types and many loans have an option for income-based repayment.  Also, if you are in grad school, make sure to defer your loans.
  4. Don’t make your payment late. They are already going to get enough of your money. Don’t give them any extra.
  5. Get your free UVM Alumni Association Bottle Opener. This is our way of easing the pain of that first payment. Open your favorite Vermont beverage with it, sink into your couch, and start a Netflix binge. You earned it.

2015 bottle openers

Burlington Happy Hour — 11/19 @ 5pm


This one is for you Burlington-area folks! Make sure you save this date.

  • Thursday, November 19, 2015
  • 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Three Needs, 185 Pearl St. in Burlington

Ryan and I will have Class of 2015 pint classes to give away and, judging by the last happy hour we did, tons of your friends will be there.


Derrick & Ryan



2015 UVM Holiday Parties

November marks the start of the holiday season. That means it’s time to mark your calendars for the UVM Holiday Parties.

This year we’re celebrating in five cities: New York, DC, Boston, San Francisco and Burlington. So if you’re close by, come party with local UVM alums.

There will be hors d’oeuvres and open bar – sounds like a party to us!

Tickets are $25 for all young alumni and $15 for young alumni who are Alumni Association Sustaining Members (if you bought a senior week ticket this is you!).

You can register here or by clicking your city below:

New York
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
6:30-8:30 PM
Penn Club of NY

Washington DC
Tuesday, December 2, 2015
6:30-8:30 PM
Anderson House

Thursday, December 3, 2015
6:30-8:30 PM
Boston Millennium

San Francisco
Thursday, December 3, 2015
6:30-8:30 PM
Hyatt Regency San Francisco

Friday, December 4, 2015
6:00-9:00 PM
Fado Irish Pub

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
6:30-8:30 PM
Fleming Museum

Derrick & Ryan