Map Time!

Welcome back! My most recent visit was uneventful, but exciting all the same. I found the site much the same as I left it. However, there was a hint of snow in the air this time. The first snow was yesterday! I made a sketch of a map in my notebook. The cliffs are exciting to me as a flatlander from Massachusetts because I have nothing like that where I come from. I love the hills here! Such as the one you must go down to get to my site. More leaves have changed to an incredible array of oranges, yellows, and reds. Leaves are starting to fall in great quantities. I wonder if the grass here is maintained? Does someone rake it? There are leaves down right now but it wouldn’t stay grass without some maintenance. Perhaps my site isn’t as natural as I thought. I saw many squirrels on my bike ride here and 1 squirrel on the trail in but the intensity and visibility of animal interactions are greatly reduced. For example, I didn’t see any families going to the sea caves today. I’m excited to trek down here in the snow!