USDA Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP)

This new program is for farmers who have crop insurance coverage and have planted cover crops. The USDA Risk Management Agency is providing a program for producers who have crop insurance and planted qualifying cover crops. This new Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP) provides additional premiums to reduce crop insurance premium bills to help them …

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

CREP takes agricultural land that is located along waterways and is currently in perennial and annual crops out of production to plant riparian forest buffers. You could receive payments for land that may not be very productive, and you could help improve water quality and critical habitat for some species. For more information, visit …

Northeast SARE Now Accepting Preproposals for 2022 Projects

The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program is seeking preproposals for three grant program: Research and Education, Professional Development, and Research for Novel Approaches. Preproposals, which capture the preliminary project concept, are required for each grant program and are due online by 5 pm on August 3. A webinar about Northeast SARE and these …

VAAFM Farm Agronomic Practices (FAP) Program

The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Farm and Markets FAP Program is open for applications for conservation practices planned only between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Applications will be reviewed in order of receipt and the Agency may not fund all applications. Learn about FAP program requirements and rates: The FAP program can …

Solar Cropping System grant announcement

UVM EXTENSION EARNS GRANT TO STUDY SOLAR CORRIDORS ON FARMS Burlington–University of Vermont (UVM) Extension recently received a $68,438 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service to work with farmers interested in trying “solar corridors” in their corn silage fields. The project will be led by Dr. Heather Darby, a UVM …

Evaluating the Sensory Characteristics of Organic Grassfed Milk

By Roy Desrochers, Heather Darby, and Sara Ziegler In the food and beverage industry, marketing and sales can get you first time buyers. However, product sensory quality — specifically aroma and flavor — are what drives repeat purchases and creates sustained market share. Simply put, food and beverage products that best meet consumer expectations for …

Be on the Look Out!

Hemp Diseases Creeping into Fields Across Vermont Following are pictures of Septoria. As the weather cools, rains, dews and fogs are becoming more common and diseases are on the rise. In the past couple of weeks, the UVM Hemp team has been scouting fields in the state and noted Alternaria and Septoria foliar leafspot diseases …

Are you in need of additional feed? It’s time to think about cool season annuals.

Hot, dry conditions this season have made for some nice hay making weather, but poor hay and pasture yields. Many farmers are already looking at having to feed some of the stored forages they’d typically feed this winter to get by. Furthermore, as much of our region is experiencing this droughty weather, finding quality stored …

2020 Cover Crop Assistance Applications

The deadline for 2020 cover crop assistance applications has been extended to AUGUST 7, 2020. Applicants are advised to apply online when able to do so if you have not done so already. Apply Now The payment rates vary by practice type (information and payment rates) and applications are due for each practice at least …

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