November 1st blog

I believe the reason the six organisms i saw are there because that is the environment that will thrive in. there are a lot of eastern white pines at my site there are also a lot of spruce trees at my site. There are a lot of the northern white pine trees because there needles are acidic and they like acidic soils. This is a positive feedback loop that makes the area great for northern white pine. There are a lot of spruce trees because they can tolerate the acidic soil and they are very shade tolerant which allows them to thrive underneath the large northern white pines. There are also a good number of fallen trees around my site and there is a lot of moss and some fungi that are decomposing those fallen trees. I also saw a chipmunk run through and I assume it lives somewhere nearby in the woods. Then we get to the large clearing in the woods where the power lines run through. There are a lot of tall grasses, mainly the kind with brown arrowhead shapes on top of the stem. 

There have been a lot of changes since the last time I went. Because I went today I got to see the effects of the stork that came through on thursday. The woods looked damaged. There were multiple trees that had fallen down, some of which blocked the trail. The woods were very muddy and had standing water on the trail. The river that runs through the woods was overflowing. There were also a lot of leaves that had fallen down and now covered everything. 

My site is actually on a hill and the trail is the only flat part in the area. The only real difference in terms of topsoil is the fact that it was a lot wetter than last time and there was a lot of leaves covering it that had not really begun to decompose

I did not have to add a lot to my map because I had noticed a lot from the other times I had gone and because I really love my spot. The one thing that I had never thought about was the cardinal direction of my spot.